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两个问题中选一个。A choice between two questions.

我们要从2个产品销售者中选一个。We have two salespersons to choose from.

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海伦中选,生活无聊寡淡Helen being chosen found life flat and dull

假如非在其中选一个你该怎么选?If a non-elected in his election, how do you?

连师大动物医院的兽医们都夸赞说牠是万中选一的乖狗狗。The vets at NTU literally call him "one-in-a-million."

在显示的文件选择器中选择要打开的文件Selecting the file to open in the displayed file chooser

模拟中选用了偏态的一阶自回归模型。The simulation uses a skewed lag-one autoregressive model.

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要从中选一种三明治,难怪会让人觉得头疼。No wonder we feel sick at the thought of choosing just one.

先从几道不同的大题目中选一道你认为有利于你的题目与对手抢答。Contestants choose questions from a variety of different topics.

从下拉菜单中选择要添加到总线的服务器或集群。Choose the server or cluster to add the bus from the drop down menu.

事实上,你们的期末考试,会要求你们在两个问题中选一个。In fact your final exam will require you to choose one of two questions.

你只能有一份甜点,请在蛋糕和冰激凌中选一个。You can have only one dessert, so please decide between cake and ice cream.

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当然,如果东南亚国协必须在两者中选一,她们将选择中国。Of course, if ASEAN had to pick one of the two sides, they would pick China.

要清除无用设备驱动程序,右击图标,从弹出的菜单中选图标无用程序择“卸载”。To remove an unused device driver, right-click the icon and select Uninstall.

我们建议您从菜单上的各种菜品中选一款套餐。We recommend that you choose a set meal from the various dishes on this menu.

如果没有,你可以在部门中选一个能为你做这件事的人。Otherwise you could pick someone else in the department who can do it for you.

研究表明,候选人的声音越低沉,中选几率越大。Because studies show that the deeper the voice, the more electable the candidate.

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对于表空间级恢复,要在下个页面中选择要恢复的表空间。For table space-level restore, pick the table spaces to be restored in the next page.

当让人们在食物、汽油和温度调节中选一项,温度控制是排在最后的。When the choice is between food, gas and heat, the thermostat is being turned way down.

从主窗口右下角的下拉列表中选择要进行分区的设备。Select the device to partition from the drop-down list at the top-right of the main window.