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她是巾帼英雄。She is a heroic woman.

杨开慧等巾帼英雄。Heroines such as Yang Kaihui.

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当他们叫她为巾帼英雄时她脸红了。She blushed when they called her a heroine.

就这是航天领域的巾帼英雄。These are the heroines in the field of spaceflight.

是中国历史上杰出的巾帼英雄。She was an outstanding female hero in Chinese history.

集集,作为一位巾帼英雄,1958年来到伦敦动物园。Chi-Chi, who became a national heroine, arrives at London Zoo in 1958

为这位即将诞生的数码巾帼英雄取名字可是一项艰巨的任务。Choosing a name for the soon-to-be cyber heroine was a huge responsibility.

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她以巾帼英雄的身分回到英国,后来开办了南丁格尔护士学校。She returned to England a heroine and went on to establish the Nightingale Training School for nurses.

她带领姐妹们坚持三江斗争,面对面地与敌人浴血奋战,成长为巾帼英雄。She led the sisters to struggle in Sanjiang, face to face a bloody battle with the enemy, as the heroine of growth.

紫晶玫瑰象征巾帼英雄飒爽英姿及她们昂扬斗志的最强者形象。Amethyst rose symbolizes the strong image of handsomeness and activeness of women, who are traditionally called the JaneScalf heroines.

然身处时代巨变中的女诗人,却于婚后毅然抛却我夫我子,东渡扶桑求知进取,一圆巾帼英雄梦。Great changes in the poetess living in the era, but she resolutely discard her husband and childern, crossed the sea to Japan to quest for knowledge, achieve heroine dreams.

她们辛勤劳动,为国家创造财富,不少人获得了“三八”红旗手、巾帼英雄、劳动模范、先进工作者等光荣称号。They have worked hard and create wealth for the country, many people get the "March 8" Hongqi Shou, women heroes, model workers and advanced workers, such as the title of honor.

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考见这些文存,可见其与史统内容相异的文化特征,但这种相异正是巴渝文化把秦良玉作为巾帼英雄进行的认同与变异。Examination of the diction reveals that the diction is different from history books, but the difference is the approval for Ba and Yu culture to regard Qin Liangyu as a woman hero.

因巾帼这类物品是古代妇女的高贵装饰,人们便称女中豪杰为巾帼英雄,后人又把巾帼作为妇女的尊称。As things like JaneScarf were elegant ornaments for ancient women, people called excellent women "JaneScarf heroines", from which JaneScarf was later used to address women reverently.