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摩押人哪,我们现在去抢夺财物吧。Now to the plunder, Moab!

必先摆捆住那壮士,才可以抢夺他的家。Then he can rob his house.

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他们抢夺着椅子。They scramble to their seats.

可能是飞车抢夺。May be an aerodyne to scramble.

小偷抢夺那个女孩的钱包。The tef snatched at the girl's purse.

持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.

不可欺压你的邻舍,也不可抢夺他的物。Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him.

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他在抢夺镜子时,把它打得粉碎。The mirror shattered when he robbed it.

是的,抢夺谋杀杀死沙皇的思想。The idea of plunder, murder, and regicide !

没有人能进壮士家里抢夺他的家具。In fact, no one can enter a strong mans house.

金圣烈也在抢夺的时候,头发散乱开了。Jin Shenglie also when rob, hair scattered away.

获胜者是那个能够抢夺到对方魔杖的人。One boy is playing football , one boy goes to snatch.

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今天,我们要取回他的土地,我们不会抢夺你们的财产。We want to get back his land, not take your property.

幸存者们在爬满老鼠的走廊上抢夺地上的残羹。Survivors in rat's galleries raping the poisoned ground.

入侵者抢夺了该国的全部财富。The invaders despoiled the country of all its treasures.

很多城镇的乱民都趁乱抢夺官府的粮食。Many towns MOBS while disorderly plunder the rulers food.

北京动物园的奥运猫熊抢夺胡萝卜。One 'Olympic Pandas' tries to snatch carrot from his pal.

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所遗家产,成为兄弟反目,争相抢夺。Siblings become enemies, fighting over assets that are left.

别墅市场更是击鼓疾进,抢夺空当。Villa is a drum ahead into the market, snatching empty when.

获胜者是那个能够抢夺到对方魔杖的人。The winner is the one who manages to snatch the other's wand.