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但是还有更多的问题需要作出裁决。But more has yet to be decided.

对该裁决的含义,众说纷纭。As to what it means, opinions vary.

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陪审团裁决对他的各种指控都不能成立。The jury acquitted him of all charges.

而最终的裁决将在2016年年中做出。A final ruling is expected in mid-2016.

但是奥马尔·巴舍尔拒绝这一裁决。But Sudan rejects the ruling. The I. C.

大陪审团裁决许多犯法行为。The grand jury presented many offenses.

陪同审判团正在考虑裁决。The jury are considering their verdict.

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法院最近撤销了这项裁决。The court recently reversed that ruling.

一名法官裁决暂不执行这些条款。A judge has put those provisions on hold.

陪审团宣布了被告无罪的裁决。The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

法庭决定重新审议这项裁决。The court decided to reconsider the verdict.

两位法官对此裁决有异议。Two of the judges disagreed with the verdict.

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裁决法官,保罗·舒尔,往后靠了靠。The administrative judge, Paul Shur, sat back.

关于还待决定的意大利裁决委员会的一句话。And a word on the pending decision of the CONI.

球季的最后一天便会有所裁决。It'll be decided on the last day of the season.

美国最高法院预期于2011年中期裁决此案。The high court is expected to rule by mid-2011.

或许法官会就此做出有利于我的裁决。And perhaps the judge would rule in favor of me.

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他的确裁决强制令违宪。He did indeed find the mandate unconstitutional.

恐怕法院会做出对我们不利的裁决。I'm afraid that the court might rule against us.

我对陪审团的裁决还有一些严重的疑虑。I also had serious doubts about the jury verdict.