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那项计划反而害了他们自己。The plan boomeranged on them.

反而我们可以为用户体验而设计。Instead, we can design for UX.

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反而,我们不间断的浏览。Instead, we browse incessantly.

反而,我被创造成独一无二的。Instead, I was made to be unique.

他们反而因为等待获得奖赏。They're rewarded for their waiting.

他费尽心思反而于自己惹人讨厌。He contrived to get himself disliked.

好先生真聪明,他亲了那个女孩,我反而替他挨了一记耳光。He kisses the girl and I get slapped.

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反而捧红苏珊萨兰登这样的明星。It made a star out of Susan Sarandon.

他非但没生气,反而很高兴。Far from being angry, he is delighted.

有多少人反而吃得少呢How many of you would say you eat less?

如今巴美关系反而有所缓解。Instead relations have been patched up.

反而,她傲慢的昂起了头。Rather, she raised her head arrogantly.

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现在的问题是,父母逼的太紧反而会让孩子出轨。The problem is, too much can derail it.

如果你真的拥有了这样的生活,反而会感到无聊乏味。If you actually had one, you'd be bored.

这场雷暴过后天气可能反而好些。The thunderstorm may settle the weather.

反而,诗人教导我们要信靠。The psalmist teaches us instead to trust.

反而变得急功近利,好高骛远。But has become profit-oriented, ambitious.

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不料盖世太保反而把拉伯拘捕。Instead, Rabe was arrested by the Gestapo.

他是不速之客,反而盘问个不停。It was he, the intruder, who interrogated.

反而更把我煎熬得热汗淋淋。But that I burn much more in boiling sweat.