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“留守儿童”。Left-behind Children.

共有342名儿童死亡。There were 342 deaths.

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这个娃娃在儿童床里。The doll is in the cot.

儿童尺寸24“的长度。Child-sized 24" length."

儿童疾病综合管理是如何实施的?How is IMCI implemented?

如何对儿童发展信息。How info about child dev.

为什么儿童要做窝沟封闭?Why seal a child's teeth?

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只买了一个新的儿童座椅。Only buy a new child seat.

婴儿、幼儿与儿童餐。Baby, Infant and Child Meals.

我朱莉娅儿童。胃口好。I'm Julia Child. Bon appetit.

不适合3岁以下儿童。Not for children under 3 yrs.

儿童可以半票乘车?Can I transfer by this ticket?

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儿童可以半票乘车。Children can travel half fare.

儿童需要充分睡眠。Children want planty of sleep.

腮腺炎是一种儿童疾病。Mumps is a children's disease.

儿童们往往有丰富的幻想力。She has plenty of imagination.

哪些儿童会获登记成为助养儿童?How does a child get sponsored?

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我曾被叫做“挂钥匙儿童”。I was a so-called latchkey kid.

这不适合给儿童看。It's not suitable for children.

安全带和儿童约束装置Seat-belts and child restraints