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我只画眼线。I just wear eyeliner.

我真的很喜欢眼线笔。I really like eyeliner.

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将唇线笔用作眼线笔?Lip liner as eye liner?

没有比液体眼线笔更好的选择了。Nothing beats liquid liner.

弗雷德是警方的眼线,是他告的密。Fred is a nark. He squealed.

你可以用眼线液啊!You can use the Eyeliner ah!

今晚我没有画眼线。I'm not wearing eyeliner tonight.

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把唇线笔当作眼线笔使用或者反一反?Can you use lipstick on your eyes?

眼线笔有不同的类型。There are different types of kohl.

用眼线笔还是眼线液?。Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?

没有人知道他在给警方做眼线。None knows he's narking for the police.

紫色眼线可能会显得你眼睛外凸。A purple eyeliner might make your eyes pop.

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这个无须的年轻人拥有着非常柔和的面部特征,浓浓的眼线则重点突出了他的眼睛。His eyes are highlighted by thick eyeliner.

他们发现他是警方的眼线。They discovered that he was a police plant.

法国眼线笔世界有名。French eye-liners are well-known to the world.

将眼线笔平角勾画便可描绘出一条较粗的眼线。For thicker application, apply at a flat angle.

眼线液比你想象中的易用。Liquid liner is easier to apply than you think.

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独特的超快干配方,让你的眼线不会晕染或结块。The quick drying formula means it won't smudge.

我姐姐真是一个变色眼线的达人。My sister is such a pro with the eyeliner swoosh.

诱骗者,赌棍同伙充当眼线的人,如在一场骗局中。One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game.