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她至多是个称职的打字员。At best she is an adequate typist.

至多每年还有一次潜水鸟要来。At most, it tolerates one annual loon.

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母乳的保质期至多是一年。We can keep the milk for up to a year.

我一天至多抽一包香烟。I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, max.

它至多算是一个非常迂回的途径。At best, it is a very circuitous mechanism.

但这至多使她想到和鸣叫出,‘安全!At most he thinks or twitters softly, 'Safe!

他们至多交纳小额罚金就可以脱罪。At most they get off by paying a small fine.

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但至多不比张子怡差。But you far more lovertiful than Zhang Ziyi.

我们至多学了3本英语书。We haven't studied more than 3 English books.

在一个人类的身体中,它至多能有1.100.00个生命。In a human body it can be at most 1.100.00 lives.

但OpenTable的利润率至多也只是持平。But OpenTable's profits are remaining flat at best.

每场演唱会,他们至多表演半个小时。They play for no more than half an hour per concert.

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我天天至多要删除十封不想收的电子邮件。I delete in any cottom ten unwamount totd emails every day.

这些扯谈之说错的离谱,有些至多也只是部分基于事实。These myths are erroneous at best, sometimes based on half truths.

他们规划至多再生一个孩子---当然要等待…并先攒钱再说。They pln to hve only one more child—but will wit nd sve money first.

那么至多的话,我会执行,每个指令一次,对不对?Well at most, I'm going to execute each instruction once. All right?

为此,可能有人要说霍布斯至多,也就是个业余自由主义者。At best, one could say Hobbes is a kind of part-time liberal at best.

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哪一位板球运动员是本世纪历史得分至多的?。Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?

他只干了一个星期,因此他至多能得到一百元。He worked no more than a week, so he could get not more than 100 yuan.

我个人认为,至多是每季度重组一次。I personally think that, at most, you should rebalance once a quarter.