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据说这一匹马就要上千卡斯。It is said that this horse ambition ascend kilocalorie Si.

我们最常用的热量单位是千卡。The unit of heat we shall use most frequently is the kilocalorie.

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她还说,今年冬天天然气的价格是每千卡38.12英镑,而去年该季节的价格为101.28英镑。Heren said the forward price for this winter is 38.12p compared with 101.28p last year.

由于温度和压力,在您的地区千卡变异可能不同的标准。Due to variance of temperature and pressure, a therm in your area may vary from standard.

查看总额千卡,脂肪,蛋白质和碳水化合物,并计算数量的胰岛素需要。Show total amount kilocalories, fat, proteins and carbohydrates and calculate amounts of insuline needed.

以“千卡”的居民天然气用户每月消费数量上列出他们的煤气费。The number of "therms" that residential natural gas customers consume each month is listed on their gas bills.

直到最近,官方才出台了基于热量消耗千卡为单参数的贫困评估方法。Until very recently, the official measure of poverty was based on a single parameter – consumption of kilocalories.

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就营养学而言,食物中的热量通常以千卡计,但简称为卡路里。In terms of nutrition, values are often given for the number of kilocalories in a food but referred to simply as calories

将你每天喝的星冰乐换成路易波士茶——星巴克现在就有的卖——可以帮助你每月少摄入数千卡路里。Ditching your daily Frappuccino for a cup of rooibos—Starbucks now sells it—could save you thousands of calories per month.

我们有水,你会发现,那么Q就变成约5000千卡,那是需要的热量,是2乘以10的7次方焦耳。We have water, and so you'll find that Q then becomes roughly 5,000 kilocalories that's how much heat energy it takes which is two times ten to the seven joules.

一只烤土豆仅含几千卡热量,同样大小的土豆做成炸薯条后,所含的热量达200千卡以上。A potato that bake contains thousands of calories of quantity of heat only, after the chips of potato make it of same size, contains quantity of heat amounts to 200 kilocalorie above.

一千卡,是人们讨论卡路时是真正用的单位,当提起食物中的热量,人们指的是多少千卡,一千卡,是将一千克水提升1℃所需要的热量A kilocalorie, and this is really what we--when people talk about calories, how many calories in food, it's really kilocalories that they're referring to, but that would be the energy required to raise a kilogram of water one degree centigrade.