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那个年逾古稀的老翁经常出国。Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad.

最近,我遇见了一位看上去像60岁的80老翁。Recently, I met an 80-year-old-man who looked like 60.

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这幅素描是描绘一名老翁的石膏头像。This sketch describes an old man's gypsum head statue.

于是,店主就按10两银子付给老翁9千铜钱。Then, merchant pays old man 9 1000 copper cash by 10 two silver.

被吉尼斯世界纪录确定为世界最年长老翁的美国人弗雷德·黑尔11月19日在美国锡拉库扎的家中去世,享年113岁。Fred Hale Sr., documented as the world's oldest man, died Friday.

这位可怜的老翁快晕倒了,让他坐下来吃些东西。This poor old man is fainting with hunger,let him sit down and eat.

店主赶到老翁那儿,见老翁正和几个人在喝酒。Merchant hurries to old man there, see old man is in with a few people drink.

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那位年逾古稀的老翁经常从很远的地方步行去大明湖公园。Not infrequently does the septuagenarian walk over distance to Daming Lake Park.

一名85岁的老翁也在参赛选手之列,他仅用了20分钟就爬上56层楼。An 85-year-old man was among the climbers, reaching the 56th floor in 20 minutes.

这些人中有念过花甲的老翁,有羽翼未丰的少年,处在各自人生不同的阶段上。These people do not have to be young or old, they are just in a stage of their lives.

烈日下,一老翁坐在河边,两眼一动不动地盯着河面的浮标。Under the scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river.

被吉尼斯世界纪录确定为世界最年长老翁的美国人弗雷德·黑尔11月19日在美国锡拉库扎的家中去世,享年113岁。Fred Hale Sr., documented as the world's oldest man, died Friday. He was 113 years old.

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这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。The elderly man, a landless farmer in Haryana state, is a proud father of his first child.

从前,一位老翁和他的儿子住在塞外的边境上。Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived with his son on the borders of the country.

太行,王屋二山的北面,住了一个九十岁的老翁,名叫愚公。Yugong was a ninety-year-old man who lived at the north of two high mountains, Mount Taixing and Mount Wangwu.

在曾经是个可以俯瞰河流的城堡的旧址上只有一座破烂的大门,想无齿的老翁一样张开嘴。Where a fort had once overlooked the river now stood a broken gate, gaping open like an old man's toothless mouth.

韩国一名83岁老妪和一名94岁老翁日前提出离婚,成为韩国离婚案中年龄最大的一对夫妇。South Korean couple, aged 83 and 94, have set a new record in the country as the oldest couple to file for divorce.

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韩国一名83岁老妪和一名94岁老翁日前提出离婚,成为韩国离婚案中年龄最大的一对夫妇。A South Korean couple, aged 83 and 94, have set a new record in the country as the oldest couple to file for divorce.

可是这却是“三岁小儿道得,九十老翁行不得”的日常戒律。Actually, this is a common truth which a three-year-old child knows, but a ninety-year-old man finds difficult to practice.

这名老翁究竟吃了多少个饺子尚不清楚。医疗机构打算解剖尸体,以确定死因。That of the man what to eat is not clear how many dumplings. Medical institutions like the autopsy to determine cause of death.