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如雷诺市已经摇身一变成为了集散中心。Reno has turned itself into a distribution hub.

随后就在五月份,他又摇身一变成为了保守党传信联络主管。In May he is made Tory director of communications.

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一旦转入语言系统,他们就可以摇身一变成为成电话的主人。Once into the voicemail system, they could masquerade as owners.

如今,这家电器业销售巨头摇身一变,成为了工作场合变革的引领者。Today, the electronics retail giant is leading a workplace revolution.

无趣的公司职员摇身一变成了口技了得的情场浪子。The boring office guy transforms into a passionate lover of giving oral sex.

对于外国的批判可以很快摇身一变指向内部的目标。What starts as criticism of the foreign can quickly swing to domestic targets.

这项结果令盗版音乐用户摇身一变,因购买数字音乐而成为行业的最大消费群体。This would make music pirates the industry's largest audience for digital sales.

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而Kazaa在今年7月摇身一变成为一家合法的音乐订阅网站。Meanwhile Kazaa turned into a legit music subscription service in July this year.

进入模拟招聘环节,叶先生收起和蔼可亲的形象,摇身一变严肃面试官。In the mock recruitment part, the usually nice Mr. Yip becomes a stern interviewer.

上图是本次世博会的吉祥物海宝,被穿上太空服,戴上呼吸机之后,竟摇身一变成了“太空海宝”。Here's the official expo mascot, Haibao, clad in a space suit and breathing apparatus.

但在你的国家遭遇不测的时候,有时候这些边缘人能摇身一变成为救赎者。But when your country is facing an emergency, outcast can sometimes turn into saviours.

在冬季,这个公共九洞球场就会摇身一变,成为一个很受欢迎的滑雪胜地的下部。The public nine-hole course becomes the lower portion of a popular ski resort in the winter.

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公司将债务摊给了杂货公司,而零食公司则摇身一变成为了人见人爱的增长型企业。Push the debt onto the grocery folks, and you've suddenly got a hot snack seller growth story!

她摇身一变,本是褐色的头发变得金光闪闪,名字改成了玛丽莲·梦露。She changed her hair color from brown to shining gold. And she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

首饰全部采用回收金属再利用,经过细心改造摇身一变做成各种别致客人的款式,比如蕾丝。All of the pieces are made of recycled metal that’s transformed into intricate patterns, like lace.

很快,他摇身一变成为中国巨星,人气不逊于他的上海同乡NBA明星姚明。He instantly was transformed into a megastar in China, on par with his Shanghai buddy, NBA star Yao Ming.

这个过去濒于饥荒的国家摇身一变,成了最大的农产品出口国之一。A country once on the brink of famine has turned itself into one of the biggest exporters of farm produce.

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这是澳大利亚布里斯班最近出现的比基尼洗车女郎。平日毫不起眼的洗车妹摇身一变成了火辣美女。The Bubbles 'n Babes car wash in Brisbane, Australia provides an everyday service with something of a twist.

但要是一位有着浓重地方口音的华裔移民在美国摇身一变成了单口相声演员,这听上去更像是一场白日梦。But for a Chinese migrant with a heavy accent to become a stand-up comedian in the US it's more like a fantasy.

随着时间的推移,哥斯拉摇身一变成为了日本的保护者,但危险开始在国家本身上体现。Over time, Godzilla morphs into a defender of Japan, but dangers begin to materialize within the nation itself.