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证书,品质,商检局,代办,中国。Quality Certificate by C I Q.

商检工作那么简单。The commodity inspection is no easy job.

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我非常尊重你们的商检局。As much as I respect your Inspection Bureau.

检验工作必须由公认的商检员来进行。Inspection must be conducted by recognize surveyor.

第九章商检、索赔、不可抗力和仲。Chapter Nine Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration.

木材及木制品进出口代理、商检通关服务。Service of wood import and export agent, the customs clearence.

根据我们的商检报告,货物包装得很马虎。According to our survey report. the goods were carelessly packed.

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这是中国商检局签发的检验报告一份,作为我方索赔的依据。This is the survey report issued by CCIB in support of you claim.

行。关于商检和索赔,有侍趵硎题吗?That can be done. Any questions about the in spec tion and claims?

熟悉商检的相关法规,和原产地证的办理,有实际操作经验。Familiar with the CIQ regulation and FORM A, has hand-on experience.

检验证明书将由商检局局长签字。The commissioner of your bureau will sign the Inspection Certificate.

你向合作方保证检验报告绝对可靠,你说,这是中国商检局出具的检验报告。Here is the survey report issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.

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对贵方产品及中国商检局的良好信誉我们已有所闻,对此并不怀疑。We have hear about reputation of both ccib and your product and never doubt it.

商检行政处罚实证分析。Second, positive analysis of Entry-Exit Commodity Inspection executive punishment.

第一票货完工后需要商检看水尺,请做好准备。It is required for surveyor to check draft after completion of first batch of cargo.

在对商品进行商检时,我方发现许多缝纫机遭到了严重的损坏。On examination, we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged.

我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,商检局才会予以放行。Our goods must be up to export standards before the Inspection Bureau releases them.

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商检表明货物的受损是由于野蛮装卸所引起的。The survey has revealed that the damage to the goods is attributable to rough handling.

如果你是新建工厂,我们可以为你提供一流的符合商检要求的工厂平面布局图。If you set up a new poultry processing plant, we can provide you first-class plant layouts.

附上中国商检局的检验报告,望你方尽早解决此事。The C. C. I. B. survey report is forwarded herewith and your early settlement is requested.