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她父亲生前是个好静而独立自主的人。Her father was a quiet self-contained man.

如果你是一个独立自主的人,你就是一个抢手货。You are a good catch if you are self-reliant.

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第一,中国始终奉行独立自主的原则。First, China sticks to the principle of independence.

理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous.

这是第二个阶段的延续,要求更多独立自主的时间。This is the extension of Step 2, one perfers to more free time.

维姬是个极为独立自主的人,在她看来,她的人生就是一场冒险。Vicki was fiercely independent and saw her life as an adventure.

而无论在过去还是在将来,独立自主的做出果断的决策都是受欢迎的。Individual decision making and decisiveness have taken a big hit.

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而女儿好争辩、独立自主,不那么可爱。My daughter is argumentative, independent and not as affectionate.

我意愿我能量流的独立自主以及我梦想的毫无连线。I intend sovereignty of energy flow and non-attachment in my dream.

他们总是对他们辛勤的工作和独立自主感到骄傲。They've always prided themselves on their hard work and independence.

自主学者并不总是独立自主地学习。Self-directed learners do not always act autonomously or independently.

鸦片战争前,中国仍是一个独立自主的封建制国家。Before the opium war China is still an independent state of feudal society.

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独立自主是维护中国主权与安全的法宝。The independency is the magic weapon supporting China's sovereignty and safety.

应该坚持独立自主和平等互利原则。Our factory pursues the principle of independence, initiative and self-reliance.

本厂奉行独立自主,自力更生的原则。Our factory pursues the principle of independence, initiative and self-reliance.

他们独立自主的,囊中羞涩的,并且能够忍受各种不便。They are independent, impecunious and able to tolerate all degrees of discomfort.

你得变得独立自主,不依靠别人的提携、钱财或是恩惠。It’s about becoming independent, not relying on others for lifts, money or favours.

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建立独立自主的民族国家是中国近代民族主义的核心内容。The key task of Chinese modern nationalists was to build a independent nation-state.

坚持宗教独立自主自办原则。Uphold principles of independence and self-management of China's religious undertakings.

BAHR机器人采用了模块化及柔性化设计理念,所有产品均有独立自主的知识产权。BAHR Robots are designed as modular and the flexibility systems, made of self-supporting.