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我看上了这个式样。I like this style.

多数流行式样很快便过时了。Most fashions soon dated.

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褐色的伐木工式样的衬衣。The brown lumberjack shirt.

我喜欢那张桌子的式样。I like the shape of that table.

调整一下长袍的下垂式样。She slipped on a dressing-gown.

您的头发想恒星英语理成什么式样的?How would you like your hair cut?

那种式样已过时一年了。That style's been out for a year.

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你有什么式样的家具?What style furniture do you have?

您的头发想理成什么式样的?How would you like your hair cut ?

和锤打的金子所制作的式样Of hammered gold and gold enamelling

她的便帽式样和我的相同。Her cap is of the same shape as mine.

这种衣服式样已经不兴了。This clothes style is out of fashion.

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这种鞋子的价格、式样、重量各异。The shoes vary in cost, style and weight.

那房子是仿中国式样盖的。The house was built after the Chinese style.

她的上衣是仿照中国式样做的。Her coat was patterned after a Chinese model.

一个很好的梳妆台,式样新,我想就是你们所说的香木,上面嵌了花,一面相当大的镜子,有抽屉,很好看。The mirror is quite large. There are drawers.

吉尔们身穿传统的“吉尔”式样的服装。Gilles dress in the traditional Gille costume.

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可是亲爱的,最浒也最容易过时.一般的式样,上乘的料子,我觉得更好.I'd prefer ordinary design but fine materials.

那两个女孩把头发梳成相同的式样。Those two girls do their hair in the same way.

除了一柄式样别致的雕花匕首之外Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger