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国王统率武装部队。The King commands the armed forces.

总统统率武装部队。The President commands the armed forces.

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武装部队有意地混编了他们的队伍。The armed forces deliberately integrated their units.

去年相比于F-18,马来西亚武装部队更青睐于苏-30。Last year the fighting forces of Malaysia preferred Su-30 to F-18.

这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.

党卫队武装部队最初称为党卫队特别行动队。The armed SS was initially termed the SS-Verfügungstruppe or SS- VT.

曼尼洛没有了到美国武装部队的酷刑播放列表-尚未。Manilow hasn't made it onto the US Armed Forces torture play list — yet.

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澳大利亚这项军事重估被称作是“武装部队态式重审”。Australia's reevaluation of its military is called "The Force Posture Review."

这个声明是严肃的。给印度武装部队敲响了警钟。This statement is to take serious. A wake-up call for the Indian armed forces.

作为个人,武装部队的一员将永远不能志愿投降。As an individual, a member of the armed forces may never voluntarily surrender.

冈根人拥有一支庞大的常备武装部队,通常称为冈根大军。The Gungans maintain a large standing armed force, called the Gungan Grand Army.

上图,2000年1月,巴勒斯坦的年轻人在加沙和以色列武装部队做斗争。Above, Palestinian youths flee Israeli troops shooting near Gaza City on Oct. 1, 2000.

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印方官员在向尼泊尔武装部队交涉后他们得以获释。They were released after SSB officials raised the issue with Nepal's Armed Police Force.

武装部队经常闯入位于基巴蒂的收容中心,抢掠食物、金钱和流动电话等。Armed men frequently raid the camps in Kibati, demanding money, food and mobile telephones.

我们的武装部队将永远是我们安全的基石,但这支部队必须得到支持辅助。Our Armed Forces will always be a cornerstone of our security, but they must be complemented.

武装部队资金严重不足,坠机事件已经每月出现一起。The armed forces are so under-financed that aircraft crashes have become a monthly occurrence.

他强迫武装部队的全体官兵宣誓效忠于他本人。He exacted an oath of loyalty to himself throughout the armed forces, from foot soldier to general.

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在武装部队缩减的时代,美国转而求助私营公司履行军事援外工作。In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid.

上述费用来自主格思里,武装部队和SAS的上校司令的前负责人。The charge came from Lord Guthrie, former head of the Armed Forces and colonel commandant of the SAS.

在普京因叙利亚和乌克兰问题与西方对峙的过程中,俄罗斯都投入了武装部队。Russia's armed forces have been deployed in Mr Putin's stand-off with the west over Syria and Ukraine.