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看见他如此伤心,我实在于心不忍。Seeing him so sad really got to me.

她依然相信有圣诞老人,要使她这一幻想破灭还真于心不忍。She still believes in Santa Claus and it would be creel to disillusion her.

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其中一个歹徒于心不忍,没有杀两个孩子,而是把他们留在树林里后离去。One of the men took pity on the children and left them in the woods rather than kill them.

在这样一个晚上,为了我的方便就是请您迈出这个门槛,那我也于心不忍啊!I should be sorry to ask you to cross the threshold, for my convenience, on such a night,' I cried.

这些人让我于心不忍。他们跟著我已经三天了,却没吃过什么东西。I feel sorry for these people because they have been with me for three days and now have nothing to eat.

顺便说一句,如果你觉得让她来干还于心不忍的话,你可以看一看这些相片。By the way, you might want to take a look at these if you have any further qualms about getting her to do the job.

白泽却毫不反抗,阿吉雅于心不忍,白泽却诚恳地劝她让自己承担她所有的仇恨。White Ze but no resistance, Agiya in the heart can not bear, but she sincerely persuaded her to let her all her hatred.

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倒是这些客人们似乎有点于心不忍,一个劲地劝说她休息会,大家反正没事,多等会不碍事的。It is these guests seem not to have the heart, an effort to persuade her to rest, you anyway, okay, wait will be out of the way.

如果于心不忍去买了花的话,也会让背后的人贩子觉得这是件有利可图的事。Some may buy the flowers to keep the children from crucial treatment, which will let the human traders find the approach to make money.

盖利斯好像于心不忍的一拳打在修背后腰部,刺客透不过来,痛苦的吸了一口气。A punch from GARETH, given somewhat reluctantly, it seemed, in the small of Hugh's back, caused the assassin to gasp and draw a painful breath.

事实上,人们大多持一种看客心态,如果知道她已经忏悔,并承受着这样的痛苦,人们也会于心不忍的。In fact, if most people just hold an attitude of seeing.If they know she has already confessed and is bearing great pain, they will not continue to blame her.