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拉宾觉得现在要是公布妮弟弟的事可能会带来杀身之祸。Rabin if feel now released may kill her brother.

一个小小的失误就可能给他们带来杀身之祸。One simple slight mistake could bring them death.

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阿德尔知道要是他被逮到,就会惹来杀身之祸。Adel knew that if he was caught, he would be killed.

不打诳语,即使实话实说会招来杀身之祸。Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death.

到底狩猎团遇到了什么样的事引来如此杀身之祸?Exactly what kind of hunting group met from so kill things?

我不能看着这样下去,我宁愿冒杀身之祸。I can't look at it, I would rather take the fatal disaster.

不要带上任何毒品!这么做违反法律,而且可能给你带来杀身之祸。Don't take drugs of any type! They are against the law and can kill you.

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我怕那个笨蛋在皇宫中找到一些东西,让他惹下杀身之祸。I fear that fool may have found something in the palace that led to his doom.

因为这把千钧一发的利剑随时都会掉下来,给他攒来杀身之祸。The nick of the sword as this fall at any time, save him to the fatal disaster.

此时,已不会因讨论该社团的信条而招致杀身之祸。By this time, there is no longer a threat of death for discussing the society's beliefs.

但是随着一系列事情的发生,萨菲拉令他的生活发生了转变,也为其他很多人惹来了杀身之祸。But Saphira sets off a series of events that turn his life, and many other lives, upside down.

一天,邻居家小姑娘马蒂尔达敲开他的房门,要求在他这里暂避杀身之祸。One day, a neighbor girl knocked on his door Mathilda asking here take shelter in his killing.

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乔江河得罪了沈阳有势力人士熊飞,招致杀身之祸。Tall river river displeased bear of Shenyang potent personage to fly, bring about a fatal disaster.

当那只鸟儿低飞时,碰触到了我的前额,这才引起我的注意,也差点为牠引来杀身之祸。The low-flying bird brushing my forehead attracted my attention for which the bird almost was killed.

他们还在承诺战斗至死——并且警告我们无论谁赢我们都有杀身之祸。They still promised to fight to the death — and they warned of an impending massacre no matter who won.

而女教师正是因为查出了事情的真相,才给自己惹了杀身之祸。And female teachers is because found out the truth of the matter, only letting themselves in for the kill.

马林说,如果有人索取贿赂,“我们都会给,因为如果我们不照办,就可能有人遭杀身之祸”。If someone asks for a bribe, she says, “we usually pay, because if we fight them, someone may get killed.”

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1987年,政府派兵前来苏丹南方剿灭黑人基督教徒,年仅13岁的约翰侥幸躲过杀身之祸,逃离家园。In 1987, at age 13, John fled his home in southern Sudan narrowly escaping troops sent to exterminate all black Christian males.

国王觉得很奇怪,第二天问老农,你怎么敢收留那个人,你不怕引来杀身之祸么?King thought it strange, and the next day asked farmer, how dare you accept that man, do you not afraid to lead to a fatal disaster?

在喀布尔,一位前政府官员同意并接受了我们的采访,他清楚若被发现,他和他的家人都将难逃杀身之祸。In Kabul aformer government official allowed himself to be interviewed, knowing that ifhe was found out, he and his family would be killed.