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这里有很多沙滩。There's so many beaches.

沙滩女孩变身救护员!Beach Girls to the Rescue!

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巨浪使沙滩覆盖了泡沫。Giant waves froth the sand.

我喜欢去沙滩玩。I like to play in the sand.

哦,沙滩排球在朝阳公园举行。Yes, it's in Chaoyang Park.

港口旁的沙滩上的独桅帆船。Dhows on beach near harbour.

在那儿我可以在沙滩上玩耍。There I can play on the beach.

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海龟在沙滩上产完卵之后。After laying eggs on the beach.

才能在沙滩上安睡?Berfore she sleeps in the sand?

我喜欢打沙滩排球。I like playing beach volleyball.

木制的沙滩小屋及进行阳光浴的人们。Wooden beach hut and sunbathers.

海滨的细浪刷刷地冲刷着海滨沙滩。Small waves swished on the shore.

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我或许在沙滩上最多呆一个钟头。I do it for maybe an hour at most.

你真的能在沙滩上阅读吗?Can you actually read at the beach?

抹去沙滩人足迹。Efface the footprints in the sands.

我爱冲浪和沙滩排球。I love surfing and sand volleyball.

沙滩上允许烧烤吗?Is barbecuing allowed on the beach?

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许多少年在沙滩上玩耍。Many lads are playing in the sands.

沙滩上正准备出发的冲浪者。Surfers on main beach, heading out.

弥漫着古怪猫腥味的潮湿沙滩。The curious cat-smell of damp sand.