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循循善诱,诲人不倦的是老师。Coaxing, teaching is a teacher.

她循循善诱地劝他改掉坏脾气。She coaxed him out of his bad temper.

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信件的语调是循循善诱且极具鼓励性。The tone of the letters is always patient, often encouraging.

在循循善诱的普夫的教导下,科罗布发展出强大的精神力。Under the crafty Poof's instruction, Corobb developed potent mental skills.

更感谢我们可亲可敬的英语老师对我们循循善诱的教导。And we much appreciate our English teachers' untiring and sincere teachings.

在他内心,他一直试图忽略的低声碎碎念这次变得更加循循善诱了。The little nagging voice that he tried to ignore was actually being more constructive this time.

你不需要循循善诱他们有一种羞耻感,二是建立一种放肆给孩子学习自我控制。You don't want to instill a sense of shame, but rather set up a way for your child to learn self-control.

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公司主管应该是果断决绝,循循善诱,乐于授命,并是渴望承担其责任的人吗?Should company executives be decisive, directive, willing to give orders, and eager to assume responsibility?

这关系的基础建立于老师有能力透过循循善诱,领导门徒过快乐而自主的生活。It was founded on the capacity of the master to lead the disciple to a happy and autonomous life through good advice.

女友生活中不顺心,你要循循善诱、帮忙分析,提出建设性方案若干。Girlfriend life frustrated, you should help analysis, this article proposed moralisation, some constructive suggestion.

现实中,杰夫像一位亲密无间的朋友,循循善诱的人生导师,深藏不露的智者,人人希望与之分享秘密。In real life, Jeff is like everyone's good buddy, a life counselor, and a sage, whom everyone wants to share secrets with.

当我处在黑暗中,圣母玛利亚就会站在我的面前,用智慧的语言循循善诱“顺其自然。”And when I feel discouraged, Mother Mary is just standing before me and encouraging me by saying that let everything go as it is.

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我初到香港的时候,我的中国老板宅心仁厚,循循善诱,我上班没多久就送给我一块手表。When I first arrived in Hong Kong, my Chinese boss, who was a kind and patient mentor, gave me a watch soon after I reported for duty.

如果母亲生在现在,有机会把自己造成一个教员,必可成为一个循循善诱的良师。If the mother is born in now, the opportunity to own caused a teacher, which will become a be good at giving systematic guidance teacher.

虽然自力处处与他作对,但日山却并不愤怒,而且对他循循善诱,希望以爱劝服他。Although self-reliance against him everywhere, but the mountain is not angry, but also for his convincing and want to love to persuade him.

伯承同志热爱自己的同志,对干部总是循循善诱,谆谆教诲,期其进步。Comrade Bocheng loves his comrades, always giving them systematic guidance and earnest instructions, and encouraging them to achieve progress.

某个人问你“怎么了”,你回答“没什么”,然后经过一番循循善诱,你就完全吐出了你生活里的一切不如意。Someone asks what’s wrong and you say nothing and through a little more coaxing, you’re more than ready to vomit everything that’s wrong with your life.

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长辈对晚辈的循循善诱,对晚辈的教导,虽然算不了什么,同样是一份感动,这是属于亲情之间的感动。The patience of the younger elders, teaching the younger generations, though nothing, the same is a moving, which is part of affection between the moving.

作为一个卫兵,我亲眼目睹了大卫王指定他的儿子所罗门作为以色列王位继承人并循循善诱的过程。I was there watching the door as a guard as David made Solomon his successor as the King of Israel and Solomon receiving his last instructions from his father, David.

我希望你们成为更有内涵的人,心胸更加宽广的人,通过循循善诱,让你们体会到古典音乐的博大精深。One, change your personality. I want to make you a richer person, a broader person, by instilling you with an unending deep and abiding understanding of classical music.