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你哪会儿才能脱稿?When can you get the draft ready?

丹也是据说他脱稿了吗-终于做完了?。So does Dan. Did you hear he finished his? Oh, it finally has an ending?

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这书一脱稿,我马上和出版家订好了出版和约。Immediately this was done, I completed an arrangement with my publishers.

从那天起,吐温就可以脱稿演讲了,而且这种方法从未令他失望过。From that day, Twain was able to speak without notes, and this method never failed him.

很多人都认为自己可以脱稿演讲,可事实上却常常回头看屏幕。Many people think that they can unscripted speech, can in fact often look back at the screen.

我在因特网上创作一篇短篇小说,每晚写两小时,直到脱稿为止。I would write a literary short story on the Internet, for two hours each night, until it was done.

请演员脱稿表演以义大利语排演整部戏剧,避免冷场,让演员们即场思考、反应及表演。Italian Run Through, to reduce dead air, and make the actors think and react and act on their feet.

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报告时绝不要照稿念,要写下大纲让报告有组织,避免脱稿。Once again, you must not read your presentation. Use an outline to keep yourself organized and on task.

脱稿出丑传奇般的布什在2002年联合国关于伊拉克问题的演讲上使用了视读仪。Mr. Bush, whose unscripted gaffes were legendary, used a teleprompter for his 2002 speech to the United Nations on Iraq.

最好还是脱稿演讲,照着稿子读会有更多的口误而且听众会觉得无聊。It is always a good idea to know what you are saying, but reading directly from a written speech produces more errors and is boring.

所以官员在现场的表现,特别是脱稿讲话的表现,老百姓很关注,如果是脱稿讲老百姓觉得他讲的很深入,讲的很新。Therefore the on-spot performance of official especially the competence of speaking without prepared paper is closely followed by the people.

他脱稿讲了20分钟,回顾了创纪录业绩的每一个准确的细节,并讨论了该投行来年的战略。Speaking for 20 minutes without notes, he reviewed the record results in precise detail and discussed the bank's strategy for the coming year.

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现在中国领导者的行为方式都是一致的。明显突出个人主义是有风险的,与外国记者脱稿交流也一样。These days, the Chinese leadership operates through consensus. Prominent displays of individualism are risky, as are unscripted engagements with the foreign media.

主宾都做了开场陈述,而希拉里头晚所作的脱稿即兴演讲却出人意料的煽情。There are opening statements, though, and Clinton's — delivered impromptu on the first night of her trip after tossing aside her notes — was surprisingly emotional.

在技法和使用工具上,除了坚持传统手工剪、刻技法外,还出现了烧烫、染色、撕贴、涂绘、脱稿等多种尝试。In the techniques and the use of tools, in addition to adhering to the traditional hand-cutting, carving skills, but also a burning, dyeing, tear paste, paint, etc. try to be finalized.