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现在,每一所学校都被染指。Now, every school is being touched.

他能够在没有鲨鱼奥尼尔的情况下染指冠军?Can he win a title without Shaquille O'Neal?

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这些英国佳丽谁都可以染指。These English beauties are available to everyone.

他不允许任何人染指他的利润。He won't allow anyone to chisel in on his profits.

这笔款几经转手,必然有一部分被经手人染指。To hand, some of it inevitably sticks to the fingers that it touches.

在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜染指机密的文件。At CTU Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access.

乌拉圭曾于早年两度夺杯。而阿根廷染指奖杯,则是1979年和1986年的事。Uruguay won twice in the early years, while Argentina won in 1979 and 1986.

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您的身体就像旷野里从未被割草人染指的百合。Thy body is white like the lilies of a field that the mower hath never mowed.

赐姓赐名是古代君主权力染指人名姓氏文化而产生的一种政治文化现象。As a country with only one nation, the family name culture in Japan is unique.

作为一代昆曲大师,沈在杂剧创作方面也有所染指。As a master of Kunqu opera, Shen Jing was also involved in the creation of Zaju.

帝国染指云城后,兰多的新世界在他身边轰然倒塌。Lando's new world came crashing down around him when the Empire arrived at Cloud City.

而从另一个角度来讲,民族国家对本国银行的监管权视若至宝,绝不容许他人染指。On the other hand, nation-states jealously guard the right to oversee their own banks.

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在所有从未染指过英格兰顶级联赛冠军的球队中,博尔顿在顶级联赛中呆的时间最长。No side has ever spent longer in the top-flight than Bolton without winning the League.

国有的石油公司霸占了玩具的大部分,根本就不让西方的巨头染指。National oil companies have got most of the toys, and they won't let the Western majors play.

你也许毁了我的过去,搞砸了我的现在,但我决不允许你染指我的未来。You might have ruined my past and screwed up my present, but I won't let you touch my future.

理论上,此举能保护这些盈利品牌,不让某些西尔斯债权人染指。Theoretically, the move could protect these profitable brands from certain Sears' bondholders.

当默西塞德的球队停止增加他们的冠军总数之前,曼联已经有23年未染指冠军奖杯了。When the Merseysiders stopped adding to their total United had not won the league for 23 years.

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提升者不可以染指这样的事情,因为它们会阻止打开心灵。Ascending initiates cannot afford such preoccupations , as they prevent the opening of the heart.

将华尔街搅得一团糟的大部分都是投资者不想再染指的受损资产。Much of what's gumming up Wall Street is a glut of impaired assets that investors no longer want.

而这样做的结果就是撒谎,并把所有自己可以染指的东西都偷到自己名下。What this leads to is you lie, and steal anything you can get your hands on to claim as your own.