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但还是觉得若有所失。But I feel that something is missing.

从你的眼睛里我能看到你若有所失的影踪。I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.

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但是没有爸爸这一点还是令我的生活若有所失。But not having a dad left a big hole in my life.

可现在离出发只剩一天,布兰却突然若有所失起来。Yet now that the last day was at hand, suddenly Bran felt lost.

但是,当青春,梦想离我们远去,我们心中便会若有所失。But when youth, the dream, departs. It takes something from our hearts.

我独自在房子里四下走动,却不像之前那样若有所失。I wandered around our house all alone but didn't feel lost as I had before.

蕊红回到房中,看见留下一对虎头鞋,忘记送给婴儿而若有所失。Red back to the room, saw the left a pair of tiger shoes, forget to baby and family.

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废墟前,若有所失的修平有着淡淡的感伤,那段青涩的回忆一定会伴随一生的。In front of ruins, lost Kepen has thin sorrow but the memory will go with him for life.

虽然岁月流逝,但那无法掩饰的豪华、那若有所失的神秘,却令人感慨万分。In spite of the time erosion, the mystery and luxury of the bygone age still excite visitor's heart.

直觉我们应属于彼此,否则我不会常常若有所失。My intuition told that we belong to each other, or I will not always feel as if something were missing.

假如在堆叠裸体人之后你没有拍下照片,就会若有所失。There would be something missing if, after stacking the naked men, you couldn't take a picture of them.

英国人在德国城市逛街,时间久了便会有一种若有所失的感觉。It takes a while for a British visitor window-shopping in any German town to realise that something is missing.

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虽然这座城市时而会为往日的旧痕若有所失,但它已准备著,观视著未来。Although the city worries about the chasm tenderly and sometimes strictly, it has been holding in everything, and watching.

他多次对我说,他并无多求,然而,随着时光的流逝,他会若有所失地谈到缺少得到承认。He told me many times he didn’t want any big deal, but as the years passed, he would speak somewhat wistfully of the lack of acknowledgement.

见还珠衣着暴露穿房入舍,尔旦觉得不妥,亦发觉平时由还珠预备的墨和香茶全部欠奉,令他若有所失。See return bead scantily clad in room into the house, denier feel wrong, also found at ordinary times by return bead prepared ink and sweet tea all owe to serve, to his family.

若是等到某些东西的出现,依赖外部环境的改变,你才感到幸福,那你永远若有所失,总会错过某些东西。If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled. There will always be something missing.

很多伴侣都处于婚姻关系之中,而不承认他们的关系为“婚姻”会让他们觉得若有所失,即使在这个过程中失去的东西很难界定。For many couples joined in matrimony, having the state no longer call them married may make them feel as if something important had been taken away — even if it's hard to define just what was lost.