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贝蒂姨婆那时是将近80岁。Aunt Bettie was almost 80 years old then.

那是我的姨婆贝蒂总是这样开始她的故事。That's how my great-aunt Bettie began her story.

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我那伟大的姨婆琼是超乎寻常的独立。My great aunt Joan is unusual in her independence.

我很吃惊看见姨婆正往上走。I was very surprised to see my aunt coming upstairs.

两次我都搭乘前往达拉斯的“旅途公司”大巴去探望奥蒂姨婆。Both times I got on a Trailway's bus bound for Dallas to visit Aunt Otie.

琼是我的大姨婆,是我妈妈的妈妈的妹妹,到11月就满93岁。Joan is my great aunt. She's my mum's mother's sister and she'll be 93 in November.

穆丽尔姨婆咯咯大笑着,又喝了一大口香槟,酒顺着下巴滴滴答答地流下来。She cackled loudly and took another swig of champagne, which dribbled down her chin.

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但有些事我永远也想不通,你居然强迫我在你那长了唇髭的老姨婆脸上亲个响吻!I'm not sure I'll ever get over you making me kiss your great-aunt smack on the mustache!

我的姨婆到训练中心来接我,随后我们乘坐出租车穿过了这个拥挤的城市。My great-aunt picked me up at the training center, and we rode in a taxi through the crowded city.

我很欣慰,发现租用我姨婆在多佛那套房子的人把房子照看得很好。I was glad to find that the person who was renting my aunt's house in Dover was looking after it well.

姨婆已搬回到多佛她的老房子里,和迪克先生和辟果提愉快地生活在一起。My aunt had moved back to her old Dover house, and was living happily there with Mr Dick and Peggotty.

姨婆给米考伯一家出了一个极妙的主意。“你们想过移居澳大利亚吗?”My aunt had a wonderful idea for the Micawber family. ' Have you ever thought of going to live in Australia?

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弗雷德和乔治让穆丽尔姨婆很生气,他们仍然在她的后屋承接猫头鹰订单业务。Fred and George are driving Muriel up the wall, they're still operating an Owl-Order business out of her back room.

我开始每天早上背她下楼,每天晚上背她上楼,姨婆也天天来照顾她。I began to carry her downstairs every morning, and upstairs every night, and my aunt came every day to look after her.

回伦敦后,我发现姨婆早就等在“金十字”旅馆了,而且已经在那儿住了好几天了。In London I discovered that my aunt had arrived at the Golden Cross Hotel, and had booked a room there for several days.

贝蒂姨婆跟我讲起她第一次看到那个身穿血渍斑斑的蓝制服,脸蓄胡须的人时,她总是用同样的话说,……。When Aunt Bette told me about her first sight of the bearded men in the stained blue uniform, she always used the same wards.

瞎说!“乔伊斯姨婆说,”你们比我有创意得多,我可从来没想过用一个鞋拔子支舀汤。Nonsense! " Aunt Joyce said. "You are much more creative than I am, I'd never have thought of using a shoehorn to serve stew. "

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特拉德和我都接到米考伯先生写来的奇怪的信,他要我俩和我姨婆去一趟坎特伯雷城。Traddles and I had both received rather strange letters from Mr Micawber, in which he asked us to come to Canterbury, with my aunt.

玛丽奶奶曾在巧克力工厂里工作过一段很短的时间,她母亲和我的露西阿姨婆在开餐厅前也是。Grandma Mary worked inside the factory for a short while-just as her mother and my great aunt Lucia did before they opened the restaurant.

姨婆很慷慨地提出借他一路所需的费用,于是米考伯一家上下很快就开始准备,收拾行装。My aunt generously offered to lend him the necessary money to pay for the journey, and the whole Micawber family started planning and packing immediately.