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我只占用90秒。I will take 90 seconds.

占用您的时间了,谢谢您。再见!Thank you for your time,goodbye!

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那么这个算法肯定会占用更多的时间?And I don't think that's true, right?

一个Unicode字符占用一个wchar_t类型空间。The wchar_t type is used for strings.

一个雨披将占用最小的空间。One poncho will take up minimal space.

电子辞典需占用很大的内存。Thee-dictionary needs a lot of memory.

当着我的面,站在我的房檐下,占用我的时间。To my face, under my roof, on my time.

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那张安乐椅占用太多的空间。That easy chair takes up too much room.

那架大钢琴占用太大的空间。The grand piano takes up too much room.

新的兴趣现在占用你很多时间。New interests are preoccupying your time.

这些测试占用的代码量也是最少的。They also touch the least amount of code.

这些事情占用了自己很多宝贵的时间。All this took up much of my precious time.

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加载时速度和内存占用会受到影响。Load-time speed, memory footprint affected.

写这本小说占用了她的大部分时间。Writing this novel takes up most of her time.

修订这本书占用了我大部分时间。Expurgating this book took up most of my time.

知道了。占用您的宝贵淘宝如何取消订单时间-谢谢您。I see. Thank you for aring your precious time.

果不出我所料,卫生间有人占用。As I expected, somebody was using the washroom.

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最近他占用了你太多的时间。He s been hogging too much of your time lately.

这些编辑器可能会占用大量资源。These editors can be fairly resource-intensive.

请稍等,帕克先生的电话不再占用了,我可以给你接通了。Mr. Parker's line is free now. I can connect you.