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我可以为他作保。I can sponsor him.

我的朋友们可以为我作保。My friends will vouch for me.

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她为嫌疑犯作保。She posted bail for the suspect.

他们拒绝为一名罪犯作保。They refused to bond a criminal.

每项贷款都以债券或抵押作保。Every loan was secured by bonds or mortgages.

正在申请专利的铰链作保你点燃的封面。A patent-pending hinge secures your Kindle to the cover.

你在借款作保前,必须清偿整所有债务。You must pay off your solution before securing another loan.

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常为人击掌作保,实是个无知之徒。A foolish man will clap hands, when he is surety for his friend.

在邻居面前击掌作保,乃是无知的人。It is senseless to give a pledge, to become surety for a neighbor.

不要与人击掌,不要为欠债的作保。Do not be one of those who give pledges, who become surety for debts.

不要与人击掌,不要为欠债的作保。Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.

含蓄地说,英国政府在为英国银行庸肿的债务作保。Implicitly, the UK government is guaranteeing the liabilities of the swollen UK banks.

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如果这个机构买入债务证券的卖出期权,显然是进行套作保值。If this institution bought a put option on a debt security, it would be clearly hedging.

我儿,你若为朋友作保,替外人击掌My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger

在邻舍面前击掌作保,乃是无知的人。A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend.

在1998年,政府以短期债务责任作保,保证了几乎同样的回报水平。In 1998, the government guaranteed almost the same rate of return through short-term debt obligations.

我们的主在最后一天的晚上,与门徒们在一起的时候,曾应许差遣圣灵来作保惠师。Our Lord, in the last night that He was with His disciples, promised to send the Holy Spirit as a Comforter.

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本文研究作保灵对大豆保护作用及对绿磺隆的解毒机制。Studies on protective action of TNA on soybean and antidotal mechanism of TNA to chlorsulfuron were conducted.

为什么你们宁愿解雇一个诚实的警官,来为一个殴打患精神病的平民的警官作保?Why did you terminate an honest officer and cover for a dishonest officer who victimized a mentally ill citizen.

假如给你46亿年的生命,我敢以生命作保,在46亿年以内,你会选择自杀来结束生命。If you are entitled 4.6billion years of age, I bet you with my life that you will end up killing yourself within this period.