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我们遭受敌人围攻。We were beset by enemies.

部队围攻城堡。The troops besieged the fort.

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他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。He captained the siege of Berlin.

空运扭转了围攻战的战局。Airlift tipped the balance of the sieges.

当四十个严冬围攻你的眉梢When forty winters shall besiege thy brow

四十个冬天将围攻你的额角。When forty winters shall besiege thy brow.

说默克尔受到指责围攻,那也说得太夸张了。TO CALL her embattled would be to exaggerate.

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锡拉库萨被雅典人围攻Syracuse finds itself besieged by the Athenians.

一场针对百度的“围攻”正在逐渐升级。Be aimed at Baidu " besiege " upgrading gradually.

起义军围攻京城。The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital.

战场上,他们再一次成功遏阻了敌军的围攻。They successfully resisted the onslaught of the enemy.

我们遭到蚊子的围攻。词语。In the swin the morningplifier we were beset by mosquitoes.

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后围攻北京,李自成变得破旧。After the besiege of Beijing, Li Zicheng became dilapidated.

德国的围攻仍在继续,而巴黎的市容也有所变化But the siege goes on and on, and Paris changes appearances.

事实上,我们对这些疾病的围攻已处在最后的相持阶段。Indeed, we have these diseases cornered in a final stand-off.

这是两周来第二次对奥巴马助手的围攻。It was the second dust-up to surround an Obama aide in two weeks.

当你和一大堆士兵之中冲去围攻一个敌人,你一定会是第一个先死!If your in a group and run into a single enemy, you WILL die first.

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在1598年夺回拉布的基督徒,但他们的围攻布达失败。In 1598 the Christians retook Raab, but their siege of Buda failed.

在列王纪下第七章,我们发现一个有关撒马里亚城被围攻的有趣故事。In 2 Kings 7 we find an intriguing story about Samaria under siege.

士兵们四面围攻那防守良好的古屋。The soldiers moved in on the well-defended old house from all sides.