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那么你的曾祖父呢?And your great-grandfather?

我的两位曾祖父都遭到杀害。Both of my great-grandfathers were killed.

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项链是我的曾祖父留下来的。My great-grandpa left this necklace to me.

它的曾祖父正是成吉思汗。His great-grandfather is named Ghengis Khan.

他的曾祖父约翰·海曾任两届国务卿。John Hay had served twice as Secretary of State.

112岁的老者足够做17岁少女的曾曾祖父了。He is old enough to be her great-great-grandfather.

我的曾曾祖父曾是纽约警察。great-great-grandfather was a cop in New York City.

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他和我的曾祖父一样死在床上.He as well as my great-grandfather died in their beds.

她的曾祖父是一个小乡村教堂的牧师。Her great-grandfather was a parson in a little country church.

一切要从他的曾曾祖父托马斯·盖茨说起。All from his great-great-grandfather Thomas Gates talked about.

男孩的红头发像他的高曾祖父。The boy's red hair throws back to his great-great-grand-father.

我的曾祖父曾祖母是来自东欧的犹太移民。My great-grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.

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而他的曾祖父卡尔就是在1978年殁于这项挑战。It was the same stunt that killed his great-grandfather Karl in 1978.

他的曾祖父约翰·海曾任两届国务卿。His great-grandfather John Hay had served twice as Secretary of State.

她的曾祖父显然是一位非常投入而且坚忍不拔的旅行爱好者。Her great-grandfather had clearly been a dedicated and stoical traveller.

直到我的曾祖父用麻袋套住她的头把她扛走。Until my great-grandfather threw a sack over her head and carried her off.

“我的曾祖父是我做一切事情的精神支柱,”华伦达说道。“My great-grandfather is my inspiration for everything I do, ” Wallenda said.

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我的曾祖父被安葬在南非麦非肯外的一个小村子里。My great-grandfather is buried in a village outside Mafikeng here in South Africa.

奥巴马总统还访问了他的外高曾祖父曾经居住的村子。The president visited a village where his great-great-great-grandfather once lived.

我的曾祖父鲁本和他的兄弟,当初因为不愿参军而离开了俄罗斯。My great-grandfather Reuben and his brother left Russia instead of serving in the army.