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他用一把刀把他们切开。He cuts them open with a knife.

用快刀把面包卷切开。Slit the roll with a sharp knife.

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刀把苹果劈成两半!The knife split the apple in half!

鲍勃粗心大意,用快刀把自己割伤了。Bob cut himself by fooling around with a sharp knife.

小学生用刀把铅笔的一头削尖了。The pupil tapered one end of the pencil with a knife.

刀把掉了,我抢过了刀刃,扎向宋怀后腰。Whip out, I grabbed the blade, to the lumbar SONG Huai.

艺术家使用一种又精细又锋利的刀把图像刻在金属上面。The artist uses a fine sharp knife to cut through the metal.

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他假装结束了他的生命-----用断头台上的刀把他的勃子切下来。He ends it by pretending to end his life – with a guillotine.

当你按下刀把时,你施加了一种力。When you push down on the handle of a knife you exert a force.

大都市是非常矮胖的体形,看起来像披甲的刀把。Metroplex is very stocky looking and looks armored to the hilt.

他们要我的双手,用一把宰羊的刀把它们砍了下来。They asked for my hands and cut them off with a knife for butchering goats.

他的靴子上全部都是冰,一条条冰凌硬的象铁一样,他必须用刀把它们都切掉。The strings on his boots were as hard as steel. He would have to cut them with his knife.

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我的手稳定的握着刀把,轻轻地推动刀身,直到解剖完成为止。My hands stably hold the handle of knife and turn the blade slightly until all are being cut off.

用抹刀把馅饼翻一面,煎,等到另一面变成褐色。Flip the strawberry yogurt pancake with a spatula, and cook the other side just until it's browned.

用黄油刀把融化的巧克力摊到模具上,要完全的盖住模具的各面。Use a butter knife to spread the melted chocolate inside the mold, covering the surface completely.

你可以也应该用刀把大块的莴苣或其它的色拉菜切成小的。You can and should use your knife to cut large pieces of lettuce or other ingredients in your salad.

小偷的妻子用刀把狼砍成几半,然后用树叶将其盖在了书架后面。The wives of thieves cut the wolves into halves with knives, and covered them with leaves behind shelves.

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“这个贱人想要用这把刀把你的心挖出来,”我一边说着,一边拿出刀给赫克托耳看。"This puta wanted to cut out your heart with this knife, " I say and hold up the knife for Hector to see.

之后老师让我用铅笔在南瓜上画个鬼脸,再用锋利的刀把鬼脸的形状刻出来。Then she had me use a pencil to draw a ghost face on the pumpkin and use a sharp knife to carve the shape.

你若不信,用刀把肉割开看看,过几天这些虫子就会活动起来了。If you don't believe it, just cut open their flesh, wait a few days, and watch those microorganisms come alive!