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这也是一个很好的沙盘演练。It's also a good drill for sand play.

我们秦山核电基地的沙盘模型。A sand table of our qinshan nuclear power base.

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分区很方便因为它起到了一种“沙盘式”的作用。Partitions are really handy because they act as a sandbox.

一个月后,雯雯的沙盘主题出现了山。After a month, the sand table text of Wen Wen appeared hill.

我和你,只不过是这沙盘上的人偶,再怎么挣扎,也无法挣脱束缚。You and me, but is this the doll sand table, struggle, can flounce tie.

沙盘模拟实验是一种全新的具有竞争性的体验式学习。Sand table simulation experiment is a brand-new emulative experiencing study method.

要解决这个问题,请安装沙盘版本3.49或更高版本。To resolve the problem, please install Sandboxie version 3.49 or later. Download link.

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使观众通过观看和操作沙盘了解铁路交通运输的有关知识。Here visitors gain knowledge of railway transportation by watching operations on a sand table.

对于阿基米德,他在沙盘里画的圆,比他的生命还重要。Regarding Archimedes , he in the sand table the picture circle, is also more important than his life.

我司为济南一大型房地产公司,现急需一家沙盘、模型制作公司。Division I Jinan for a large-scale real estate companies, is a much-needed sand table , modeling company.

你如果认为当今电影和电视节目里的三维技术很酷,那就等你看到全息图像沙盘再说这话吧。If you think today's 3-D technology in movies and TV shows is cool, wait until you see your first hologram table.

海拉瓦系统可以对最新的航空摄影、卫星图片进行全数字化信息处理,形成完整的电子地图沙盘。Through the processing of the aerophotography and the satellitic picture, the Helawa system can output the electronic map.

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沙盘游戏通常是作为谈心治疗的辅助方法,为心理治疗作出方方面面的诠释。Sandplay is usually done adjunctively to talk therapy which carries the interpretive aspects of the psychotherapeutic work.

通过触摸屏,了解生态农场的相关知识和各部分的运行机理,并观察沙盘的变化。Learn relevant knowledge on eco-farm and its operation mechanism and observe changes in the sand table by through the touch screen.

“广韵宫”就好象广州城市魅力的沙盘,应有尽有。广州是华南的中心城市和中国历史文化名城,这里就如城市展厅。Cantonese Palace acts as a grand exhibition hall of Guangzhou, which is the Center City of South China and Chinese Famous Historic City.

北京建筑博物馆引以自豪的是在沙盘上制作了北京古城的最大模型。The Beijing Museum of Architectures boasts the biggest model of the ancient city of Beijing that has ever been produced on a sand table.

该学区正在为没有配备相关用品的教室购买沙盘或水盘、积木、玩具厨房、画架和美术用品。The district is buying sand or water tables, blocks, play kitchens, easels and art supplies for every classroom that does not have them.

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沙盘主体部分显示的是大庆主城区范围,包含东城区、中城区、西城区三部分。The sand table mainly exhibits the scope of main urban areas of Daqing, including east urban area, middle urban area and west urban area.

从教学实践出发,分析了沙盘模拟法在人力资源管理专业课程中应用。This article analyses the application of the sand table simulation in human resources management course teaching from my teaching practice.

动画演示,沙盘是能够拦截的变化和他们隔离在沙箱中,描绘了一个黄色的矩形。The animation illustrates that Sandboxie is able to intercept the changes and isolate them within a sandbox, depicted as a yellow rectangle.