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确实,她的声音很甜润。Indeed, her voice is sweet and melodious.

她甜润的嗓子使听众如醉如痴。She charmed her listeners with her sweet voice.

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这里的天空湛蓝深远,空气清新甜润,瑰丽无比。Here the sky blue, the air is fresh sweet, great.

她的甜润的嗓音与乐曲的回声美妙地融为一体。Her sweet voice chimed in beautifully with the echo of the music.

口味丰饶,口感圆润,回味带有一丝水果的甜润。The mouth-feel is rich and round with a touch of fruit-sweetness.

秋天和冬天,空气脆而甜润,像夹心饼干。In autumn and winter, the air was crispy and sweet, like biscuits.

单宁柔和,突出了持久回味及甜润的果香。Full flavored, velvet tannins enhance the long, sweet fruit finish.

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单宁柔和,突出了持久回味及甜润的果香。Full flavored, velvety tannins enhance the long, sweet fruit finish.

酒体厚实,和气味近似,蜜糖甜润,也有干草及果酱等的味道。Rich body, tones similar to notes, sweet and smooth honey, also hay and jam.

这里的天空湛蓝深远,空气清新甜润,瑰丽无比。Here's the azure blue sky profound, and air is fresh sweet, rich and clinking.

口感饱满而和谐,单宁柔和甜润,赋予此酒极好的回味。The full and well balanced palate has sweet, soft tannins with a good persistence.

我们在通往梦想的路上收获着友谊,而生活又因友谊变得甜润。Life is sweetened by friendships we encounter along the highways that journey into our dreams.

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甜润的黑莓、李子芳香与黑巧克力、咖啡的香气交织融合,颇为浓郁。The nose has attractive sweet blackberry and plum aromas with dark chocolate and coffee notes.

此款醇郁的红葡萄酒蕴含成熟的水果芬芳与甜润的橡木味道,樱桃、浆果、香草与辛香口味交织融合。Ripe with fruit and sweet with oak, this jammy red offers cherry, berry, vanilla and spice flavors.

大部分水果是天然甜润的,可以直接食用,我们只需对它们进行清洗或剥皮。Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are —all we have to do is clean or peel them.

大部分水果天然甜润,可以直接食用,我们只需要把他们清洗一下或去皮。Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are ----all we have to do is clean or peel them.

大部分水果是天然甜润的,可以直接食用,我们只需对它们进行清洗和剥皮。Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are and- all we have to do is clean and peel them.

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有一天,后羿因为急事出门了,独自在家的嫦娥闻到从家中墙角飘散出一阵轻柔甜润的香气。循着香味她找到了长生丹。When he had to be called away on an urgent mission, Chang Er noticed a soft light and sweet odour emanating from a corner of the room.

黑麦面包带给你好事,大麦面包带给你无灾,小麦面包甜润你的血液,燕麦面包使你的双臂有力。Rye bread will do you good, barley bread will do you no harm, wheaten bread will sweeten your blood, oaten bread will strengthen your arm.

此酒口味甜润,持久,酒体平衡,回味充满葡萄干、杏干及香草奶昔的烘烤香,优雅怡人。Serelle is pleasantly sweet well-balanced and very persistent with a sensuous after-taste of raisins dried apricots and baked vanilla cream.