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我就买剪纸。I'll take paper-cut.

盘扣。剪纸的形式为主。The form of paper cutting.

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这些剪纸都是用来干什么的呢?What do the paper cuts used for?

我只知道梳篦和剪纸。I only know combs and paper cutting.

您瞧,这就是扬州的剪纸。Look! This is the Yangzhou paper-cut.

所有的剪纸作品都是由手工完成的。All the paper cuttings are done by hand.

她是一位非常棒的剪纸艺术家。She is a fantastic paper-cutting artist.

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剪纸确实是精美的手工艺品。Paper-cutting is a truly exquisite handicraft.

说明“剪纸”一词产生的年代是比较晚的。Note the "paper-cut" is the relatively late age.

开玩笑。剪纸是女人干的事情。Are you kidding? Papercuts are for women to make!

那你一定知道很多中国剪纸咯!So you must know a lot about Chinese paper cutting.

木制篮盖要用南瓜形状的剪纸艺术品作装饰。Wooden lid is decorated with pumpkin decal artwork.

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我还准备亲自尝试剪纸。I was also ready to try out paper-cutting for myself.

它和剪纸、布贴一样是一种剪贴艺术。It and the paper-cuts, cloth, paste, like a clip art.

人们常用剪纸美化家居环境。People often beatify their homes with paper cuttings.

你看,有剪纸啊、秦腔啊、皮影戏啊。Such as paper cutting, Shaanxi Opera and shadow play.

书法,剪纸,绘画。Cultural shows- calligraphy , paper-cutting , painting.

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剪纸与皮影分别在高矮垃圾桶的侧面。Paper cutting height with the Shadow trash at the side.

剪纸的内容包含着浓浓的生活气息。The content of the paper-cut contains thick life breath.

剪纸艺术是出生年前在中国约有2000只。Paper cutting art was born about 2000 years ago in China.