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一个男巫在一个魔术的圆周里面放置了10只猫。A wizard placed 10 cats inside a magic circle.

地球的圆周约为25,000英里。The earth's circumference is about 25,000 miles.

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圆周或者直径有相同的圆心。Circles or diameters which have identical centers.

圆周内两直径必相交。Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other.

在圆周的圆心竖一根与盘面垂直的直杆。Erected in the center circle with a vertical bar disk.

地球的圆周长约为两万五千英里。The circumference of the earth is almost 25,000 miles.

我们描述了圆周上一个点的运动We're describing the motion of a particle in a circle.

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一个“齿轮”称为卓尔金历,或者是神圣圆周。One of the 'gears' is called the tzolkin, or Sacred Round.

筛孔是沿气液分离筛板的外圆周均布的。The sieve holes are distributed along an outer circumference.

他在一半中坐在地板上-讨论某事的圆周。He was sitting on the floor in a half-circle discussing something.

叶轮是1个圆盘,圆周上的叶片呈放射状匀称摆列。Impeller is a disc, on the circumference of the blade evenly with.

这是导致速度,沿着圆周改变的因素。This is the one that makes the speed change along the circumference.

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所以所有的材料都是在圆周上,现在它会花更多的时间。So now all the mass is at the circumference, and now it takes more time.

该圆周的圆心即定位的中心孔位置。The center of circle is the position of the centre hole for positioning.

焊缝的一个连续的整个圆周珠山周围。Weld a contiguous bead around the entire circumference of the axle mount.

压气机出口压力沿圆周方向接近于常数。The compressor-outlet pressure is nearly constant around the circumference.

因而需要一定的向心加速度,才能绕着圆周旋转。And so you need a certain centripetal acceleration to go around in that curve.

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还对锯机设计中主要性能参数驱动功率和锯片圆周线速度问题进行了较深入的讨论。The saw cutting power and the circle line speed of saw web are also discussed.

通过计算机仿真,给出了圆周阵的自适应波束优化结果。As an example, we give AOBF result of a circle array though computer simulation.

绕转之后移动方向为自南向北,也是沿圆周的切线运动。Both of approaching and returning movements are along the tangent of the circle.