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我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个走道?Which aisle is the soy sauce in?

我可以坐在靠走道的座位吗?Let me check. Yes, you can – Seat 12C.

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仓库、堆高机走道。Paths of warehouses and raising machines.

从天篷走道被见到的密集的雨林。Dense Rainforest seen from Canopy Walkway.

其他宿舍楼在公共走道旁有一溜的房间…Other dorms have rooms along a common hallway.

这走道宽得只能够容一人走。The aisle was wide enough for only one person.

不要把沙石乱倒在走道中央。Don't dump that sand in the middle of the path.

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从这个走道转到右边一直走到底。Turn the passage to the right and go to the end.

狭窄的走道是在岩石上草草凿出来的。The narrow passages are roughly hewn in the rock.

如果我把海青后摆拖在走道上就会绊倒他人。If I leave my robe in the aisle others might trip.

往里头走到尽头,右转,在第8走道。Go all the way to the back and turn right, Aisle 8.

您可以在下个走道找到青年服装部。You'll find the youths' department in the next aisle.

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当然可以。沿着这走道走到底,然后左转。Go right to the end of this street and then turn left.

正中间还有走道穿楼而过,面对着进来的大道。An aisle facing the entrance went thought the building.

你可以在那个走道找到酱油跟麻油。You can find soybean sauce and sesame oil in that aisle.

正中间还有走道穿楼而过,面对着进来的大道。An aisle facing to the entrance went thought the building.

假使你足够幸运遇到下雪的天气,切记不要清扫走道。If you're lucky enough to have snow, don't shovel the walkway.

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在木板走道下可以发现许多企鹅的洞穴。The penguins' burrows are commonly found under the boardwalks.

每栋建筑都由位于建筑中间的走道进入。They will be accessed from an aisle in the middle of the block.

我的背部肌肉酸疼从铲起雪在走道和车道里。My back muscles ache from shoveling snow in walkways and driveway.