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我看见几十头在歇息的骆驼。I saw dozens of resting camels.

为我的歇息之处遮蔽黎明白日。Hide day-dawn from my resting-place.

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我想在树下歇息一会儿。I want to have a rest under the tree.

最终,她闭上了眼睛,歇息了。Finally, she closed her eyes and rested.

这样,百姓便能在他的荫庇下安然歇息。The people would rest safely in his shade.

这是巨蟒歇息的地方,于无形。This is where the serpent lives, the bodiless.

正在那时候,地要歇息,享受安息。then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths.

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自然界的一切都必须有歇息和休耕的时候。All of Nature must at some point rest and fall fallow.

但送信人在路上的一条小溪边歇息的时候睡着了。Now on the way the messenger stopped at a brook to rest.

在这个灿烂的光中、存在性最肯定的迹象中歇息。Rest in this bright light, the surest sign of beingness.

加德里曼一只脚站在小架子上,象歇息着的鸟。Godliman stood at a lectern, perched one leg like a bird.

你必然很累了,为什么不歇息一会呢?You must become tired. Why don't you take some slair-conk?

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本着明天出席好的准备崭歇息今天出席到最好!The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

我忙了好长一段时刻,我必要歇息。No. 3 I've been really busy for a long time. Ineed some rest.

人子却没有安枕歇息的地方But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head and gain repose.

中午,大雨过后,野鸽悠然地在平台的一片水漥上洗澡、歇息。Noon, after rain, a few Feral Pigeons take bath in shallow water.

兵士们把马歇息于教堂中时,即玷污了教堂。Soldiers profaned the church when they stabled their horses in it.

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树熊在树顶的枝丫上舒舒服服地歇息。They were all nestled in forked branches at the tops of the trees.

笑嘻嘻的弥勒佛扮成麦当劳叔叔的样子,拿著食物歇息著。Grinning Buddha reposes as Ronald McDonald, holding his daily bread.

我为绿叶披上淡淡的凉荫,当他们歇息在午睡的梦境。I bear light shade for the leaves when laid In their noonday dreams.