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术后2例不全偏瘫,2例动眼神经麻痹,无死亡。Hemiplegia occurred in 2 cases and oculomotor nerve palsy in 2 cases.

肢体痉挛是偏瘫恢复中需要解决的重要问题。Spastic limb paralysis recovery is an important issue to be resolved.

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梅花针轻扣偏瘫肢体痉挛劣势侧。Cutaneous needle was used on the recessive side of spasm limbs of hemiplegia.

麻痹一方身体被称为偏瘫和这两个词往往是一起使用。A similar medical term, HEMIPARESIS, means a weakness on one side of the body.

三星期以后右侧偏瘫恶化并发生运动性失语症。Three weeks later, his right hemiparesis worsened and motor aphasia developed.

呼吸肌的偏瘫无力常导致病患需要仰赖呼吸器。Paralysis of respiratory muscles often requires the use of mechanical ventilation.

局灶性神经表现,包括轻偏瘫,感觉缺失,视野缺损。Focal neurological features including hemiparesis, sensory loss, visual field deficits.

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此方诸药相互配合,可使偏瘫后遗症、冠心疾病死症得到迅速控制症状并快速治愈。It can control the illness of hemiplegy sequela and coronary heart disease and cure quickly.

对中风后偏瘫上肢应用矫形器和自助具进行了综述。The application of orthosis and self-help aids to hemiplegic upper extremity was summarized.

目的探讨强制性诱导运动疗法对偏瘫患儿功能恢复的影响。ObjectiveTo explore the effect of constraint-induced movement therapy on hemiplegia in children.

目的探讨电针阳明经穴位对偏瘫患者运动功能康复的影响。Objective To study the effects of electro-acupuncturing points of Yangming meridians on hemiplegia.

结论康复训练有利于偏瘫患者的功能恢复。Conclusion Rehabilitative training is beneficial to the recovery of function of hemiplegia patients.

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结论闭环肌电反馈电刺激可促进早期偏瘫患者患肢运动功能恢复。Conclusions Closed-loop EMG feedback electric stimulation can enhance the motor function of hemiplegia.

偏瘫型偏头痛临床少见,有散发性和家族遗传性两类。Hemiplegia migraine is clinical and scarce, have send out gender and familial transmissibility two kinds.

提示治疗性体位能预防偏瘫并发症的发生,为其康复打下基础。It was suggested that therapeutic body position could prevent the occurrence of hemiplegic complications.

目的对针灸治疗中风后偏瘫肩痛的影响因素进行分析。Objective To analyze the factors influencing acupuncture treatment of post-apoplectic hemiplegic omodynia.

提示针药结合比单纯中药及常规组治疗缺血中风偏瘫疗效好。It is showed that combined acupuncture and medication is quite effective for ischemic apoplectic paralysis.

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提示治疗组对中风偏瘫后肩痛临床疗效确切,早期介入效果更佳,与对照组相比具有明显优势。It is indicated that early treatment on post-stroke hemiplegic shoulder pain is better than the control group.

前脉络膜动脉损伤2例,引起下肢为重的偏瘫、失语和意识障碍。Leg palsy, aphemia or disturbance of consciousness were observed in 2 cases of anterior choroid artery injury.

目的探讨穿戴长下肢矫形器对重度偏瘫患者下肢功能康复的特点。Objective To investigate the effect of long leg orthosis on lower limb function rehabilitation of hemiplegics.