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氰化氢是一种碳容器-或者说是有机合成物。Hydrogen cyanide is acarbon-containing, or organic compound.

氰化氢是一种碳容器-或者说是有机合成物。Hydrogen cyanide is a carbon-containing, or organic compound.

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用于有机合成制造农药、医药、感光材料中间体。As intermediate for medicine , pesticide and sensitive material.

综述了金属簇合物在有机合成领域的应用。The applications of metal clusters in organic synthesis are reviewed.

介绍了过硼酸钠在有机合成中的一些新的应用。New applications of sodium perborate in organic synthesis were introduced.

许多植物的次级代谢产物很难通过有机合成获得。Many plant secondary products are difficult to produce by organic synthesis.

综述了近年来环氧烷化合物在有机合成中的应用。The application of epoxides in organic synthesis was reviewed with 23 references.

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有机合成,有机催化,有机结构分析,绿色化学。Organic Synthesis, Organic Catalysis, Organic Structure Analysis, Green Chemistry.

从发现硼氢化反应以来有机硼试剂就广泛应用于有机合成中。Organoboron compounds have been proved to be useful reagents in organic synthesis.

生物类黄酮存在于水果和蔬菜的有机合成体。Bioflavonoids are complex organic plant compounds found mostly in fruits and vegetables.

氟化氢可用作烷基化、聚合、缩合、异构化等有机合成的催化剂。It also used as the catalyzer on alkylation, polymerize, condensation and isomerization.

碳-碳和碳-杂原子键的形成反应是有机合成研究的中心问题。Carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond-forming reactions are central to organic synthesis.

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公众是否关心什么是“有机合成中钯催化交叉耦合”?Does general public care what is "palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis" ?

二乙氧基甲烷因其独特的性质而广泛地应用于有机合成中。The applications, preparations and separations of diethoxymethane are reviewed in this paper.

手性亚砜是一种重要的手性辅助试剂,已广泛应用于不对称有机合成。The preparation of chiral sulfoxides and their applications in organic synthesis are reviewed.

键的立体选择性形成是有机合成化学的重要方面。The stereoselective formation of C—C bonds is a central aspect of organic synthetic chemistry.

烯反应是新近被用于有机合成的简单而重要的反应。Ene reaction is one of the simple and versatile reactions of organic synthesis in recent years.

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本发明的树脂还可用于固相有机合成中,也可用作金属螯合剂。It may be further used in solid-phase organic synthesis and also used as metal chelating agent.

六水三氯化铁是一种路易斯酸,可以作为有机合成中的催化剂和氧化剂。Hexahydrated ferric chloride is a lewis acid. It is a catalyst and oxidant in organic synthesis.

综述了最近十余年一锅合成法在有机合成中的主要应用及新进展。This review deals with the recent progress on application of one-pot method in organic synthesis.