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把某人的履历用电子邮件发给…E-mail one's resume to sb.

履历是一份礼品,我们正在被付与着。Experience is a gift being given.

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保持一份光鲜的个人简历及作品履历Keep a Polished Resume &Portfolio

你有在国外工作的履历吗?Have you had any experince working abroad?

我该怎么在履历上说明降级的事?How should I handle demotions on my resume?

必需从过往的战争中罗致履历哺育。Lessons must remain learned from the past wars.

请把您的履历交来好吗?。Will you hand in your personal history, please?

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面试前应更新你的履历。You should update your resume before an interview.

我从根本上不同意这个前提,我为她的履历自豪。I fundamentally disagree and I am proud of her record.

当你的履历档案完全是空白时,你怎样才能得到一份新工作呢?And how do you get a new career when your resumé is blank?

我过去的履历表明我具备这些品质而且还有更多的品质。My past record shows that I have those qualities and more.

他们把这两份履历拿给了不同的人事主管看。They showed the resumes to a number of personnel directors.

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多页履历可在第二页之后采用附录形式。Multiple-page resumes can use addendum pages after page two.

与履历相比,美国式的简历强调简短。In contrast to a CV, a U. S. -style resume emphasizes brevity.

小乔说,他已向50多家企业投履历。Qiao said he had handed out resumes to more than 50 companies.

这是我的履历,我的作品,我的遗产。This is my resume. This is my body of work. This is my legacy.

你的过去当然都在履历上已有反映。Your past has already been reflected on your C. V . of course.

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终于乱七八糟地去想这山的远年履历。Eventually my thought went back to the old days of the mountain.

把你的履历制作成美国风格的简历,那将是痛苦的吗?Will it be an ordeal, turning your CV into a U. S. -style resume?

一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。you can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letter