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高举马列主义的大旗。Raise high the banner Marxism-Leninism.

十月革命给中国带来了马列主义。The October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China.

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这是马列主义远远不能同儒学相比的。This is far from Marxism-Leninism compared with Confucianism.

这一点也已由马列主义者强有力地表达了出来。This point has been forcibly expressed also by marxist-leninists.

学习马列主义将从思想上武装知识分子。The study of Marxism-Leninism will arm the intellectuals ideologically.

这些马列主义原则应当牢记并贯彻实行。These Marxist- Leninist principles should be kept in mind and acted on.

中国所奉行的马列主义,实际上是市场列宁主义。China may claim to be Marxist-Leninist, but it’s really market-Leninist.

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这种人对别人马列主义,对自己自由主义。Such people apply Marxism-Leninism to others but liberalism to themselves.

汉族,马列主义理论专业和中文专业毕业,双学历。Han Chinese Marxism-Leninism theory of professional and graduate, double-major.

在世界上,马列主义是能够解决民族问题的。Marxism-Leninism can help solve the problem of nationalities throughout the world.

青年教师缺乏马列主义修养是一个比较普遍的现象。It is common occurrence that now young teachers lack in accomplishment of Marxism-Leninism.

他们的纲领将是适合他们国家情况的马列主义纲领。Their programme will be Marxist-Leninist, adapted to the conditions existing in their country.

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因此,马列主义理论课和总想政治教育课教学应体现知、情、意、信、行五字法。Because of this, these five links should be reflected in the teaching of Marxist theories and ideology.

苏联领导层曾多次清楚的声明他们不会放弃马列主义的目标。Soviet leadership has repeatedly made explicit that they shall not renounce their Marxist-Leninist goals.

老一辈人亲历了马列主义所阐述的古老真理退变成为天底下骨子里最具资本主义色彩的社会的过程。The old have seen the old certainties of Marxism-Leninism transmute into the most visceral capitalist society on earth.

党的十六大向党提出与时俱进、不断开创马列主义新境界的要求。CCP's Sixteenth National People's Congress advanced that keeping pace with times started new boundary of Marxism constantly.

比如,写作本书中国章节的学者就密切关注这些国家所需要的马列主义正统思想的变革。For instance, the scholars in the China section of the book look closely at the innovations required in Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy.

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如果不坚持这四项基本原则,纠正极左就会变成“纠正”马列主义,“纠正”社会主义。If we do not uphold them in our effort to correct ultra-Left thinking, we shall end up "correcting" Marxism-Leninism and socialism.

倘若“对别人马列主义,对自己自由主义”,则将毫无威信可言,而且必定会一事无成。" If the "Marxism-Leninism to others, for their liberal", then there is no authority at all, and certainly will accomplish nothing.

而在上个世纪末,老牌的社会主义国家苏联却由于背离了马列主义的宗旨而使自己的政权土崩瓦解。But the first socialist country Soviet Union collapsed at the end of last century because of deviating the tenet of Marxism-Leninism.