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我们是否能预期一个正常年景?Are we looking at a normal year?

不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。Mounting sales augur a profitable year.

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“在好年景的时候,我特爱起床,”他说。"In good times, you love to wake up, " he said.

拥有一个美好的年景,永远不会太早或太晚。It is never too late or too early to have a great year.

年景好时,农民就增加牲畜饲养的头数。In good years, farmers increase the numbers of their cattle.

当我们摆脱这一片狼藉之后,好年景究竟是什麽样子呢?"What do good times look like when we come out of this thing?

然后他笑着说,‘即使年景不错,他们也还是不赔不赚。”’Then he laughed and said, And if we have a good year, they break even.

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在一个好的年景,整个英国可以生产150万辆汽车,而它的居民会购买250万辆汽车。IN A good year Britain turns out 1.5m cars and its inhabitants buy 2.5m.

嗯,对拉丁美洲人是好年景,真真是他们的好年景,不唬你。Yeah, big year for latinos, really, really big year for them, no bullshit.

虽然索马里的作物产量今年很低,牧民们却有一个稍好的年景。While Somalia’s crop yields were poor this year, the herders had a better year.

在解放前,这样的年景肯定会死很多人。Before the liberation, years like these would have meant certain death for many people.

但他过去确实获得了惊人的收益,但今年年景不好I think we're--he's had a spectacular return, but he's getting into a challenging year.

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即使是在好年景,卖空者亦因逆势而为受到蔑视.Even in good times, short sellers are disdained for betting against the continuing party.

因此,不论年景是好是坏,德克萨斯州的工作岗位增长一般高于美国其它地区。So Texas tends, in good years and bad, to have higher job growth than the rest of America.

年景好的时候,比如高新科技经济期,钱来得快政客花的大手大脚。In good years, such as during the dotcom boom, revenues soar and politicians happily spend.

在1751年前,这个大殿是在冬至时用来祈求来年有个好年景。From 1751 onwards, the Hall was used exclusively to pray for good harvests at the winter solstice.

在经济年景尚佳的时候上述情况还能勉强维持,一旦就业形势不好,情况就将变得一团糟了。That was just about sustainable in the good times, a lot harder when there are fewer jobs to be had.

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本文还对山斗杉木种子园1990年的产量年景作了第一级预报。The first grade forecast of seed crop in 1990 was also made for Shandou Seed Orchard of Chinese fir.

你越熟练掌握为少数顾客提供更多服务的诀窍,你在即将到来的坏年景中就越安全。The more you master the craft of doing more for less, the more secure you’ll be in the coming months.

所建立的评判模式能定性地反映青海海北高寒草甸地区牧草丰产与歉收的年景划分。The appraising models can show the herbage yield good or not quantitatively in Haibei alpine meadow area.