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您先请,先生。After you, Sir.

先生,你先请。After you, sir.

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先生,您先请。You first, sir.

夫人,你先请。After you, madam.

你先请。After you,please.

那就先请个会计。Then get an accountant.

“您先请”是礼貌。After you" is good manners.

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您先请。请跟我来。After you. Follow me , please.

这是您的房间,1015号。您先请。Here's your Room 1015. After you.

这是您的房间,约翰逊先生。您先请。Here's your room, Mr. Johnson. After you.

现在先请杨外长讲几句话。First, some opening remarks from Minister Yang.

事实上,你还要先请她喝一杯。In fact, you're going to buy her a drink first.

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请这边走,您先请。这是您的房间。This way, please. After you. This is your room.

您先请。请签在这里,这里,还有这里。After you. Please sign your name here, here and here.

您先请师长教师,我把您的行李放在这搭好吗?。You first, sir. Do you mind if Iput your luggage at here?

先生,您先请。我乘另一部电梯马上把行李送上去。Sir, you first, please. I'll send the baggage up by another lift.

今天,先请两位同学来示范扭胯和摆臀的动作。Today We need two to demonstrate the hip twist and the bum swing.

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在探讨这些问题之前,我想先请您随我一同去几个招聘会上看一看。Before getting into these questions, I'd like to take you to a couple of job fairs.

先请学生把单词读一读,然后再在自己身上把这些器官摸一摸。First read the words and then ask students to touch their eyes, nose, mouth, ears and head.

在开始卖东西前,我们先请我们的孩子、侄甥女和侄子外甥把他们想要的拿去。Before we started selling things, we invited our children, nieces, and nephews to take what they wanted.