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练习提问。Practice asking.

练习耐性。Practice patience.

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练习是很沈闷的。Practice is a bore.

这需要练习。This takes practice.

做一个练习视频。Do an exercise video.

让我们从练习2开始吧。Let's start with Ex2.

课后进行练习。Practise after class.

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我每周都练习。I practise every week.

我们来做句型练习。Let's do pattern drills.

在课上,我们做了很多练习。We did a lot of excises.

做75页上的练习20.Do exercise 20 on page 75.

这需要勤加练习,It takes a lot of practice

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他正在练习演“哈姆雷特”以便临时代替别人。He is understudying Hamlet.

需要时间和一些练习。It takes time and practice.

多加练习这个句型。Practice the "who" pattern.

完成第一天的练习18洞。Complete first-day 18 holes.

我是说锻炼身体的练习。I mean working-out practice.

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现在让我们做句型练习。Now let's do pattern drills.

库特,我们得多练习。Kurt, we'll have to practice.

咱们做些句型练习吧。Let's do some pattern drills.