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但我们只能干瞪眼。So we could do nothing but look on.

等候的时间未必就要干瞪眼。Waiting time does not have to be wasted time.

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在饭桌上只好干瞪眼了。Timmy could only sit staring at the dinner table.

除了站那里干瞪眼外,他们什么也做不了。They couldn't do anything but stand there and stare.

国米到最后都只能是干瞪眼。”安切洛蒂笑道。Inter had to get a look in eventually, " smiled Ancelotti."

随着发车时间一点点过去,恼怒的上班族只能干瞪眼。Annoyed commuters could only watch as the departure time ticked by.

但如果情况是我们得干瞪眼等等再看看的话,那就深不可测了。But if that is going to be the case then we have to wait and see. It is too unpredictable.

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蒂米塞了一肚子的黑莓,在饭桌上只好干瞪眼了。Having stuffed himself with blackberries, Timmy could only sit staring at the dinner table.

我的内心乱作一团,想要去帮忙,但是你只能坐在干瞪眼,这是非常郁闷的事。I can feel myself jolting and trying to help, but you've just got to sit and watch, which is annoying.

你可能有一副很棒的耳朵,但当有人对你说汉语你,你仍然只能干瞪眼。You could have the finest ears around andyou’ll still stare blankly when someone addresses you in Chinese.

但是,“做得早”事关思路,“做得好”事关能力,如果二者都没有,只能干瞪眼,或赌气不去看别人的电影。But "to do it earlier" involves one's creativity, while "to do it better" requires one's ability. If one hasn't these, he can do nothing, or at most what he can do is to boycott.

英国首相卡梅伦说,欧美领导人没能处理好政府赤字,现已威胁到世界经济的稳定,使得像英国之类的国家“干瞪眼”。Prime Minister says that failure of leaders in US and Europe to tackle government deficits now "threatens stability of world economy", leaving countries like Britain "staring down the barrel".