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译作不可随意增减伸缩。Translation is not scalable.

一些照相机的镜头可以伸缩。Some cameras have collapsable lens.

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门和盖子的伸缩支承挡。Telescopic Stay for doors and lids.

这条便裤的腰带可伸缩。The slacks have an elastic waistband.

有一个内置可伸缩的遮光罩。The telescoping lens hood is built in.

我的ID是挂在一个可以伸缩的环儿上的。Yes, i am a student, and this is my ID.

你不能不停地伸缩你的二头肌,对吧?You can’t flex your biceps all the time.

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另一个专注领域就是限流与伸缩了。Another area of focus is throttling and scaling.

既有纯棉风格又具伸缩自如特性。Both cotton style with scalable characteristics.

我在九岁时学的是演奏伸缩喇叭。I learned to play the trombone when I was about 9.

吊臂伸缩机构如下图所示。The boom telescoping mechanism is shown as follows.

暂停接待倒伸缩,弹簧,阻尼油。Suspension Rear Linky type, coil spring, oil damped.

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可伸缩水龙带。可调节管道曲度。Flexible hose duct tubing. Duct curvature is adjustable.

单缸加绳排,同步伸缩方式。Single cylinder plus wire ropes, synchronous telescoping.

从而得到试件的电致伸缩系数。The electrostrictive coefficient of samples were obtained.

它实现为一个可伸缩的成熟产品吗?Is it being implemented as a full-fledged scalable product?

伸缩头灯换成了固定头灯。The pop-up headlights were removed in favor of fixed lamps.

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夜间“休眠”、白天自动伸缩的网站Websites that “sleep” at night and auto-scale during the day

选择张力,伸缩或可折叠旗帜的立场。Choose from tension, telescoping or retractable banner stand.

最好的使用来自于用户,但他们需要帮助加以伸缩。The best uses come from users—but they require help to scale.