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卤原子在它们的介电子层含有七个电子。Halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell.

过渡元素原子电子层结构是长期困扰教学过程的难点。The electron structure of transition elements is permanentlydiffcult point of teaching.

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原子内第三层和最外层之间的一些电子层,含有多达32个电子。Some layers between the third and last layers of an atom contain as many as 32 electrons.

液氦外表面上的电子层构成一个近理想二维电子系统。Electrons on the outer surface of liquid helium form a nearly ideal two-dimensional electron system.

金属离子对周围分子的作用主要取决于其半径、电荷和及电子层结构。Metal ion has effects on the surrounding molecules depends on its radius, the charge and the structure of electron shell.

而那是由,在离子的电子层之间的,引力和斥力相互抵消得到的。And, that's given by the balance between the attractive force of the ions offset by the repulsive force in the electronic shells.

我们发现原子核中浓缩的能量是原子电子层能量的2百万倍。We discovered that the concentration of energy in the nucleus of the atom is 2 million times as great as energy in the shell of an atom.

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根据元素周期表,选择了离子电荷、半径和电子层结构不同的16种金属离子进行研究。According to the periodic table, we selected 16 kinds of metal ions with different ionic charge, radius and electron shell structure in research.

由于稀土离子独特的电子层结构,使得稀土发光材料具有优异的发光性能及广阔的应用前景。Rare earth luminescence materials have outstanding luminescent properties and wide potential application due to rare earth ions have special electronic shell structures.

在原子价电子层结构的基础上提出了原子结构半径和键参数的概念,并利用键参数研究碱金属卤化物晶格焓。This article makes a detailed analysis of the definition of atomic radius and ionic radius, so that the two terms can be well understood and used in the course of teaching.

稀土离子由于其独特的电子层结构使得稀土离子掺杂的发光材料具有其它发光材料所不具有的许多优异性能。Because of the special electronic shell structure, the rare earth-doped luminescence materials have been provided with outstanding luminescence properties than the other type luminescence materials.