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公司清算人制度。Company's liquidator system.

全国家具清算人。National Furniture Liquidators.

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纯熟石材地整套图纸地清算。细化。Skilled stone set of drawing sorting.

也被称为市场清算价格。Also called the market-clearing price.

大约要花十五天时间才可清算.It will take about fifteen days to clear.

我正在…清算我在维克托拉的股份。I'm, uh, liquidating my shares in Victrola.

商业房产经理—清算人。Commercial real estate manager -- liquidator.

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另一些公司,如德崇证券被清算破产。Others, such as Drexel Burnham, were liquidated.

我和那家伙有些老账要清算。I have some old scores to settle with that fellow.

第三部分为清算人的法律规制。Part III, is about legal regulation of liquidator.

“这是北方的清算日,”马里克说,“他们必须弄清如何将北方变成一个可以自给自足的站的住脚的国家。”"This is the north's day of reckoning," says Malik.

当资产进行清算兑现后,收益得以实现。Gains are realized when assets are liquidated to cash.

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其中一名董事被指定为公司清算人。One of the company directors was appointed liquidator.

钻井政策“漏洞”,不及时清算土地增值税。Secondly, the introduction of land value increment tax.

会员对清算人员的授权书。Letter of authorization by member to settlement personnel.

各种迹象表明,这是对盐进行清算的时刻。By all appearances, this is a moment of reckoning for salt.

大部分分析人士认为Inouye将清算公司。Most analysts assumed that Inouye would liquidate the company.

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其次对清算义务人这一主体的权利与义务进行了探讨。Part 2 analyses the rights and duties of liquidation obligors.

民主党全国委员会的清算程序显然是有问题的。There were clearly problems with the DNC clearance procedures.

法院认为必要时,得将清算人解任之。The court may dismiss a liquidator whenever it deems necessary.