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尽管他是个孩子,他明辨是非。Child as he is, he knows right from wrong.

小孩不能明辨是非。Little children do not know right from wrong.

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睁眼明辨是非,闭眼冷静思考。Open right from wrong, close my eyes to calm thinking.

首要的是明辨是非,作出正确选择。The first is the right from wrong, make the right choice.

她们通常温柔体贴,明辨是非。They are often gentle in nature, and know right from wrong.

我可以教你明辨是非,却不能帮你作出选择。I can teach you right form wrong, but I cannot decide for you.

儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非?At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?

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口径不一,各言其是,很难明辨是非和统一认识。Calibre from the words. It is difficult to identify and understanding.

他们能够认清事实,分析舆论,明辨是非,但不会装作无所不知。They can seperate facts from opinions and dont pretend to have all the ansers.

虽然弗瑞德只有十岁,但他已经可以明辨是非,那些可以做,那些不能去做。Although a teenager, Fred could resist being told what to do and what not to do.

一些受过高等教育的人仍然不能明辨是非。Some people with higher education are still unable to distinguish right from wrong.

大人必须通过谈话和沟通教会年轻人明辨是非。Through conversation, through communication, adults must teach the young, right from wrong.

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尽管舍妹比我年轻得多,她至少也到了明辨是非的岁数。We need not despair so long as we retain the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

若想在营养和热量间“明辨是非”,在比萨餐厅你一定要清楚点什么比萨有利健康。Knowing what to order at a pizza restaurant can make the difference in nutrition and calories.

尽管舍妹比我年轻得多,她至少也到了明辨是非的岁数。My sister, though many years younger than I, is at least old enough to be at the age of discretion.

我们希望有关国家尊重事实,明辨是非。We hope the related countries can respect facts and make a clear distinction between the right and wrong.

宗教将智慧定义为一个人能够明辨是非真伪的美德。In religious terms, wisdom is the virtue by which a person can discern the truth and the good from the evil.

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有时真希望瞎掉我这双明辨是非的眼睛,看不到背后捅我一刀的人痛的只有身体而已。Sometimes I wish I lost this pair of discerning eyes, can not see a knife stabbed me in pain only body only.

接受已经发生的,调整现状,全力行动,明辨是非,持续前进直到达到目标。Accept what has changed, adjust to it, take action, learn, and keep going until you get the results you seek.

这是因为人类有演讲的才能,也有能力,明辨是非,分辨正误It's because man alone has the faculty of speech and the ability to distinguish good from bad,and right from wrong.