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所谓割据,必须是武装的。An independent regime must be an armed one.

封建式的割据局面在中国大地上也一去不复返了。Of the country has gone forever on this land of China.

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在最初时期,中国曾被许多君王割据。In the very early days, China was divided and ruled by many kings.

英租威海卫的性质并非“租借地”而是“割据地”。The nature of the Territory was not a lease territory, but a concession.

1912年军阀割据时代的到来,使它彻底倒塌。Then the dynasty collapsed in 1912, and China was carved up by warlords.

此割据对湘赣两省的影响,则有日益扩大之势。Our regime tended to exert an ever-growing influence on Hunan and Kiangsi.

马楚政权是五代十国时期以今湖南地区为主建立的一个地方割据政权。Ma-Chu Kingdom was a state at Hunan Province in China's Wudai-Shiguo Period.

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就这样,从苏丹脱离埃及的那一刻开始,苏丹的割据进程开始了。Thus, the balkanization process started with the division of Sudan from Egypt.

封建式的割据局面在中国大地上也一去不复返了。身材不好。The feudalistic segmentation of the country has gone forever on this land of China.

1925年,孙中山逝世以后,军阀割据在中国存在了很长时间。When Sun died, in 1925, warlordism and disunity still engulfed many parts of China.

柏林墙代表着被人为分裂的德国和危险割据的世界。The Wall represented an artificially divided Germany and a dangerously bifurcated world.

越南南河阮氏政权是越南历史上一个特殊的地方割据政权。The Nguyen regime of Nam Ha, Vietnam was a special regional regime in Vietnamese history.

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汉朝灭亡后是长达四个世纪的军阀割据时代。The collapse of the Han dynasty was followed by nearly four centuries of rule by warlords.

这里是剑神大陆,千宗林立,这是一个宗门割据的世界。Here is the sword god mainland, 1000 Pope standing, this is a Pope door regime of the world.

地区割据的首领和他们的同伙被中央指定的官员代替。Regional military governors and their supporters were replaced by centrally appointed officials.

在权力分化,势力割据的中世纪,拜占庭帝国是一个中心集权的国家。The Byzantine Empire was a centralized state in a medieval world of fragmented and localized power.

1757年,清朝平定长期割据西北的准噶尔政权。In 1757, the Qing imperial court crushed the long-standing Junggar separatist regime in the Northwest.

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JXTA技术的提出就很好的解决了这种应用割据的局面,它是P2P发展史上的一个里程碑。JXTA technology emerged to solve this problem, and it is considered as a milestone in P2P development.

中国的头号盟友是团结的中国,中国的头号敌人是军阀割据的中国。China's number one ally has been a united China and its number one enemy has been a China divided by warlords.

英格兰被维京人、西撒克逊人和其他少数英格兰人的王国等割据将近二百年。England was divided among the Vikings, the West Saxons, and a few other English kingdoms for nearly 200 years.