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而是用的“一揽子增长计划“He uses the word "growth package."

不过,总体来说,一揽子计划还是利大于弊的。Still, overall, it does more good than harm.

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20亿美元基金是世行一揽子战略的组成部分Billion Facility Part of Multi-Pronged Strategy

关税和其他开放市场的一揽子计划Tariff Schedules and Other Market-Opening Packages

美国人对“一揽子”交易兴趣十足。Americans "package" full interest in the transaction.

这个新的一揽子计划将保证世界的和平和公正。This new package will ensure peace and justice for the world.

他并没有提到“一揽子刺激计划“这个词。Nowhere in his statement to that find the word "stimulus package".

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一揽子资助计划通常以助学金、贷款和兼职相结合的形式提供。Aid packages usually come in some combination of grants, loans and jobs.

克鲁格曼说我们还需要另一揽子经济刺激计划,也许他是对的。Krugman says we need yet another dose of stimulus, and maybe he’s right.

而且一揽子经济救援的范围意味着金融业应当付出某些代价。And the scale of the rescue packages means that finance should pay some price.

如果购买一揽子金矿类股,那既能够带来投资金块的诸多好处,又可以面临较小的风险。A basket of them ought to give many of the benefits of bullion with fewer risks.

如果能够将一揽子勇敢的改革进行到底,中资银行将会健康发展。If a package of brave reforms can be pushed through, China's banks will blossom.

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没有市场准入,我们无法在任何地方提出可推行的保持平衡的一揽子计划。Without market access we can’t have a balanced package in any saleable sense anywhere.

但是,美元兑一揽子货币的汇价已经跌到了15个月低点附近。But the dollar continues to languish near 15-month lows against a basket of currencies.

政府的一揽子经济救助计划在恢复信心上效力有限。Confidence in the effectiveness of the government's economic rescue package is limited.

中国的一揽子经济刺激计划实施得最早,也是最广为人知的。China's stimulus package was the earliest and best-known example of fiscal shock and awe.

金里奇打来电话说,即便能通过一揽子援助方案,至少也需要两周时间。Gingrich called to say he couldn’t pass the aid package for another two weeks, if at all.

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欧盟和国际货币基金组织的“一揽子”贷款被联合在一起来帮助希腊摆脱债务危机。The EU-IMF loans package has been put together to help pull Greece out of its debt crisis.

我们希望这个一揽子计划可以解决美国和其他国家关心的所有核问题。Our hope will be that it addresses all of the concerns that the US and other countries have.

宝洁公司的网上商店之际,其他一揽子商品营销者也大量增加的电子商务活动。P&G's e-store comes as other package-goods marketers are also ramping up e-commerce efforts.