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我依然是妳的情郎!I am still you boyfriend.

休斯太太是有情郎了。Mrs Hughes has got a fancy man.

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为她的魔鬼情郎而凄声嚎哭!By woman wailing for her demon-lover!

我想你会是一个非常好的情郎。You are a very nice beaus, I believe.

我很守约,三月,是我的情郎。I'm very punctual. March is my sweetheart.

偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally someflamewould come pursuit of her errant swain.

疯子,恋人,情郎!快快化作一声叹息出来吧。Madman, passion, lover! Appear then in the likeness of a sigh.

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偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally some flame would come in pursuit of her errant swain.

他把手中的桨往水里一插,仿佛对这位多情郎急不可待的心情颇为理解。He dropped his paddle into the water, as if in consideration of a lover's haste.

那月儿是那么的明亮,好似那情郎的眼,目不转睛的痴赏着爱人。The moon is so bright, as if it is man's eye that restlessly admiring his lover.

同样,痛失这位美女的情郎,应该是最适宜叙述这件事情的人了。Equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover.

她的情郎使她怀了孕,并且在从圣彼得教堂至拉特兰宫游行过程中分娩。She became pregnant by her lover and gave birth during a procession from St. Peter’s to the Lateran.

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法国第一夫人布吕尼的最新专辑近日正式发行,其中一首歌中她大唱自己有30个情郎。France's first lady Carla Bruni, a pop singer and model, recently released an album in which she croons , "my 30 lovers."

石柔到处寻找一山,来到大莉店舖,大莉始知一山是石柔的情郎。Looking for a soft stone mountain, came to the big Jasmine shops, big Jasmine beginning to know is a mountain stone soft lover.

白宫公开了几张在珍娜婚礼上的照片,布什和亨利·海格,她的情郎在德克萨斯州克劳福德镇的婚礼上郑重宣誓。And the White House has released these pictures of Jenna Bush's wedding. Bush and Henry Hager, her beau exchanged vows last night in Crawford, Texas.

在他们求爱的过程中,她和情郎交换两性间赤裸裸的电子邮件和即时信息,正是使用了那台她刚刚买回来的电脑。In the course of their courtship, she exchanged sexually explicit email and instant messages with her beau, using the computer she had just purchased.

小倩听罢,说出自己当年为了情郎马瑙偷了「雪山白凤凰」之事,采臣得知被小倩欺骗后勃然大怒。Small qian listen, tell yourself that year to beau ma nao stole the matter of the phoenix Snow White, I flew into a rage when he heard to be deceived by small qian.

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王葡萄跟着魏婆婆学会了剪迷魂阵的活儿,她看出她心里有个情郎,魏婆婆几十年前也是因为和男人在一起才躲在山上住的。King grape with wei mother-in-law learned to cut labyrinths work, she see her heart have a lover, wei mother-in-law is decades ago because with a man hiding in the mountains.

问题多样而狂野,从政治、文学到个人私密——杂志专载了一位晕火的女孩,她问她的情郎什么时候敲定娶她。Questions vary wildly from the political and the literary to the intimately personal — the magazine features one annoyed girlfriend asking her beau when he’s finally going to marry her.