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我是垂钓者的浮萍。I was a fisherman's float.

有些垂钓者就是不走运。SOme fishermen are unlucky.

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他常在这小河边垂钓。He has often cast this brook.

那个垂钓者把鱼线掷进了小溪里。The angler her line into the stream.

其结果是大规模的垂钓现象。The result was a plus-size phenomenon.

那个垂钓者把鱼线掷进了小溪里。The angler cast her line into the stream.

附近村庄里的一位垂钓者。A fisherman from the neighbouring village.

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对垂钓者来说,它更是一个感情问题。Among fisherman, it was a more emotional issue.

也有人来到溪流或池塘边享受垂钓之乐。Others came to fish the streams, pools or ponds.

二十英里范围内不准垂钓。No fishing is allowed within a twenty-mile limit.

湖南部布有垂钓区、游泳区。There are fishing area, swimming area in the lake.

请留盘石上,垂钓将已矣。Please stay to the solid rock, fishing will be gone.

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主人又力邀我们去萃垂钓。Then he insisted on inviting us to extraction fishing.

出外垂钓,钓得鲑鱼三条,害了感冒一场。On his fishing trip, he caught three trouts and a cold.

一些深海垂钓者形成了意外遇险协作伙伴。Some deep-sea angler fish form unusual life partnerships.

河里生满了鱼,人们都去垂钓。The river is full of fish and many people go fishing there.

土路却往往是通向一条可以垂钓的小溪、一泓可以畅游的水湾。Dirt Roads more likely lead to a fishing creek or a swimming hole.

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魁北克是一个户外者的天堂,并具有丰富的垂钓历史。Quebec is an outdoorsman's paradise, and has a rich angling history.

划船和垂钓是城市留下的水上消遣项目。Boating and fishing are popular pastimes on the city's many waterways.

最近发现一名男子拿著大约三公尺长的绳子垂钓。A man was recently discovered fishing in it with a three-meter long rope.